Like I have already lamented, the warm summer seems to be over. Yesterday we had 50 mph winds--I don't actually know how fast they were blowing, but it was pretty darn hard and the trees were tossing every which direction, so I'm assuming fast. Anyway, I wore my vest all day because it was chilly!
I decided to take the puppies for a walk and explore some areas of the farm I haven't seen in a while. We ended up going out to the tree island in the middle of the field, but to do that, first you have to climb the fence. I'm not very good around barb-wire, and I didn't want to add bleeding to my list of adventures, so I crawled under it. The ditch on the other side was very deep and very overgrown with weeds, so I stumbled through it, but so did the dog! Trisket, who is turning 12 this year and is not quite as mobile as she used to be while still retaining her portliness, tumbled in after me, right on her nose. I got her picked back up and made sure there were no serious injuries, and off we went again. Most of the trees out there have fallen over and been cut up, but there are exactly 3 left, and they are huge! There has been one that fell over ages and ages ago--back when I was in grade school, and it was always too big to cut up. So when they burned the field this last time, I guess they just let it get the tree too, so it's covered in this layer of char. It didn't burn all the tree, when you stand on it, you're still up in the air by about 3 feet, but you do get ash all over your shoes.
Anyway, Trisket decided she would climb with me. It's never been a problem before. She's always a tree climber, even the straight-up and down ones she'll try to climb, but when she's 12 and very stiff, it was not a good idea. She found her own way up, but I had to walk her through crossing it and getting back down. She kept wanting to leap off the top of the root tangle at the end, which is about 5 feet off the ground or higher. Probably higher. I think it's taller than me, actually. Once she was safely down, she was covered in soot. As were my shoes and my legs, come to think of it.
Kind of a tame adventure, as far as adventures go, but the puppies and I enjoyed it.
Mom and Dad and I have been watching The 10th Kingdom. We watch about an hour every night, and we are half-way through finally. It's a fantastic mini-series that Hallmark made for tv I don't know how long ago. It's a mixed-up fairy tale, and I love those! Even Dad is getting into it.
After our nightly session, we played Scrabble. Dad and I lost. Mom is pretty good, but that's because she always takes our spots, especially if it's on a triple word score. She's sneaky like that.