Thursday, January 31, 2008

Heading into February

I attended a writer's group meeting at the library here, oh, two weeks ago. It was vastly different than I pictured, for the main reason that it was all old people--older than my parents, at least. And none of them were even entertaining trying to get published, so when I gave my background, they spent almost the entire meeting wanting to ask me questions and talk about my work. I appreciated the interest, but I was hoping for more people to talk and share their work as well so maybe I could learn something. And then I think I met one of the most annoying people ever--top five, at least. Luckily, he left early. Definitely a yellow skittle.

February is here and I haven't finished my book. (Panicked face) Actually, I think I'm just getting resigned to the fact that I can't rush this project and I'll be glad later that I didn't try. It is definitely longer than I had originally planned--we're pushing on 500 pages now and I'm not sure when I'll be at the end. Soon, that much I can say, but I don't really know how it will end. I'm sure that will come to me, the nearer I get. Inspiration always strikes.

Kameron is getting big! He's very wiggly and very squeaky--so we call him Squeaker. He has the longest torso and short little hobbit legs in comparison, but hopefully he'll grow into those things.

Kaelan and I have been hanging out every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday afternoon to give Kat a bit of a break from having a 3-yr old and an infant. We've been chalking up some pretty great adventures and tonight we made up our very own 'bad guy' handshake. He told me that for tomorrow's big hang out time we should go be 'bad guys' at Target. Does that mean we'll be shoplifting? I think his idea of the afternoon more likely entails riding around in a cart that I push while drinking lemonade and ogling Transformers and Hotwheels. Perhaps we'll scowl fiercely at passers-by, thus earning us the 'bad guy' label.

Whatever we end up doing, I'm sure it will be both memorable and very adventurous. Kaelan is one of the most fun people I've ever hung out with, and he's 3.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Baby Pics

Here he is!

Proud big brother!

My New Nephew

My new nephew was born at precisely 1:45 this morning--on the living room couch. Yep, it was an experience, one that was a bit more up-close-and-personal than I had originally planned, but I guess it all ended up ok.
Kat went into labor at about 10:30 last night, contractions every 5 minutes steadily, so she and Kurt headed to the hospital. I went to bed and woke up to them coming in at 12:30--the doctor sent Kat home, saying she wasn't dilated enough. An hour later, out came the baby. By the time the contractions got real bad, it was too late.
I was dozing, thinking any minute they'd say they were off to the hospital. Instead, I was hurtled into wakefulness with the pronouncement "His head is coming out!" Yikes. Not something I wanted to hear at that moment. Kurt called 911 and they were here within five minutes, which was good, because his head was out by the time they walked in the door. I called Mom and Dad and they were able to hear the whole thing over the cell phone--and Mom about passed out right after he was born.
I stood in the back with the cell phone and the firefighters who were there and tried not to see over the arm of the couch. It was enough to be in the room when I hadn't planned on it, I didn't need to see anything.
Kat did really well. The Dula was here with us, and she was amazing. She was here to help with labor pains, not to do a delivery! I guess we all got a little more excitement than we bargained for.
All in all, it was about 4 hours of labor. Holy buckets.
They loaded Kat and the baby on the stretcher and headed out in the ambulance. I stayed with Kaelan, who mercifully didn't wake up at all--that kid could sleep through an air raid and a tornado. He would have been pretty terrified, so I'm glad he stayed asleep.
We went in this morning and Kat is feeling good, tired, but not too sore. The baby, who I am pretty sure will be designated Kameron--not sure on the spelling, so don't quote that--is also good. He's a cutie, with a really big nose. His head is very nicely shaped, not too flattened or coned. He does have a bit of an eye infection, whether from coming out onto a towel or just because, no one knows.
Kaelan was happy to meet his little brother, and promptly gave him the Transformer name Blackout. I am Barricade, Kaelan is Bumblebee, Kurt is Megatron, and Kat is Optimus Prime.
Welcome to the family, Blackout.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

I Hate Wind

I hate wind. I'm not talking a light breeze, but the screaming, gale-force wind that seems to really enjoy Wyoming and Casper in particular. I hate how it is always cold. Just once I'd like to have a warm gale-force wind. I hate how it blows the blasted door open and I have to keep my keys in the lock and let in every person who comes to the office. I hate how it rocks your car when you're driving down the road. I hate how it causes snowdrifts everywhere. And I really hate how it makes my ears hurt after just three seconds out in it without a hat.
Now that that is out of the way...
Things are going well with the book. I'm making great head-way and like the way it is turning out. I can't rush the ending.
My little brother just got engaged to his long-time girlfriend. That is exciting news, although not very surprising.
We are waiting for the new baby to put in appearance. Kat's due date is the 20th, but no matter how many hints we toss out about perfect times to be born, that kid isn't listening. I guess he's got his own agenda.
My vacation work schedule is officially over. I'm back to going in every morning at 8:30. I was really enjoying all that time off, but my paycheck wasn't. Go figure.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008


Whoohoo!! I am on the down-slope with my book! I have a few more chapters to go before I send her into the ending! I'm pretty excited about how it's turning out. Although, I just had some Czech guy grilling me on the plot today--he's a friend of Kamil's who owns a limo service in Savannah, GA, up for a little New Year's vacation time. He asked if there were any Czech people in the book and unfortunately, there aren't. I found the whole conversation very strange.
I had a dream last night I was diagnosed with cancer of the liver and had 6 months to live. Very interesting dream...why the liver? I hope it isn't a sign.
I am so hungry right now. Kamil disappeared at 10:30 and didn't come back until 1, when he left again to go to lunch--leaving me to wait and eat the stale goldfish crackers that Tiff keeps in the drawer. On the up-side, when I do finally go to lunch there will only be like 2 hours before I get to close up and go home! Everything has a silver-lining. Even cancer of the liver? I'll have to think on that.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008


Someone has been watching Daddy too often...the axle was broken, apparently. Notice his tools and the expert mechanic form.

My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.