Monday, April 21, 2008


Apparently, I have been tagged by Melissa. So, here we go.
Here are the rules: 1) Link to your tagger and post these rules on your blog 2) Share 7 facts about yourself on your blog, some random, some weird. 3) Tag 7 people at the end of your post by leaving their names as well as links to their blogs. 4) Let them know they are tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1. My number one goal in life is to be shot out of a cannon. Let's just say I am working on it.
2. I missed out on riding on an elephant as a kid, so that is a huge desire.
3. I love to go barefoot and when I am forced to wear shoes and socks--aka, winter--I have to say hi to my feet to assure them I still love them.
4. I have recently become a fair-weather jogger only, something I am ashamed to admit.
5. I am writing a book and hope to get it published soon, as soon as I finish it. I already have an agent. The rest is up to me--and I'm a procrastinator of massive proportions.
6. I gave up rootbeer barrels, even though I previously had an addiction, because they turn my tongue unnaturally red.
7. Happiness is riding a giant fish while eating a rootbeer barrel--too bad I gave them up.
Dang, I don't think I even know 7 people with a friend Karen will have to do, because she's the only one I know of who has a blog! A sign I need to get out more to meet more blog-people? Perhaps.

1 More Month

I have one month left here in Casper. It is 3/4 sad, but the other 1/4 will be blissful and cannot end too soon to suit me.
I am talking, of course, about the 1/4 part of my life here that is working at Precision Prosthetics & Orthotics. Today was the worst it has been in months. My boss can be the biggest jerk-bean. I don't even want to go into it, because I'm trying to push it out of my head completely otherwise it makes me too mad. However, if I didn't have to earn more money in this next month, I would be out of there tomorrow.
The rest of my Casper existence I will miss and I can stand for the month to go by slowly. Kaelan and Kameron, of course, and then being with Kurt and Kat. And, of course, getting sleep, which I won't get at all starting June 15th.

Sunday, April 13, 2008

Broken Car

My car is broken. My neighbor backed into it the other morning--I don't have a clue how he managed to not see it sitting there, but I guess he wasn't paying much attention. Anyway, so he hit it right above the front driver side tire, so that part is all broken and I can't open my door. It is driveable, that is a plus, but I'm getting extremely tired of climbing in through the other door and sliding across all the time. So we did the whole insurance dance and I was assured that they would pay for it. I just need an estimate. Well, my dad took a look at the damage and we discovered my front tires are bald, which means my front end is out of alignment and probably has been all winter. What a nice surprise, hmm?
That's what I thought too.

Monday, April 07, 2008

Join the Circus

It has been an extremely long time since I've written anything in here. I guess I have been feeling my life is too slow-moving right now, but that isn't really true. There is always stuff going on. I've just been lazy.
I'm so ready to be done with work. I would quit tomorrow and not miss it a bit. On an up-note, I finally learned how to bill Medicare. They have been plaguing my life out for the last month. I am training a new gal, so here's hoping she'll get the hang of everything and doesn't quit within two weeks like the last one.
Heather came down for the weekend from Colorado and we had a good time hiking and climbing. We found the most amazing spot at Alcova lake with all these huge rocks and the water down below. I really wanted to jump off--not that it would ever happen. I'm too much of a chicken. I'll work my way up to that.
I am so ready to run away and join the circus. I have decided that dedicating myself to learning how to be shot out of a cannon would be perfect right now.

My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.