Ahhhhh. It is good to be back home in Montana. Although there are parts of the interesting and beautiful in Wyoming, I don't dig it. Montana feels like home. It's not really the landscape, because there are similar scenes outside the window almost everywhere I've gone, but Montana has the sky. That wide open sky, from horizon to horizon. I guess that could also be because it's flat, all those half-emptiers would say.
I miss my boys like crazy already. Especially Kameron, who will not remember me when I see him again next. He'll be older and scared of me. Right now, he likes me and always smiles when I come into the room--or his line of sight. At least Kaelan will remember me.
I am also not sure I enjoy unpacking. I am just bad at it. Partially due to being lazy, of course.
Oh, I almost forgot--my car is no longer broken!!!!! Although giving up the nice rental car was a pain. I am now seriously considering buying a Jetta. Don't tell my car.
We headed to Helena yesterday, as it was Brandt's 24th birthday. He looks worn out. I think he does 24 hour fire shifts, teaches aircraft rescue, and works ambulence and ER shifts--which leaves him like one day off a week or something crazy like that. I am proud of him, but I worry he'll burn out.
I am anxiously awaiting the arrival of my second pair of Chacos. I wish I were going somewhere this summer that would allow them to be my main footware. Instead I'll be in sneakers and socks and have massive tan lines yet again. Ah well. Such is the nature of the beast--or Bryn Mawr.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Monday, May 19, 2008
Love and Cheating
My car is finally being fixed. I now have a rental car.
I feel like I'm cheating on my car with a much younger guy. Yes, my car is a dude--just because it's maroon doesn't mean it isn't a guy. The one I'm driving currently is a 2007 Grand Prix--white, I might add. Quite sporty and has some amazing get-up-and-go, but like I said, I feel like I'm being disloyal to my car, so I'm trying not to enjoy it too much.
I heard back from my agent today--apparently the next phase of this whole deal will take at least 30 days before they get a response. Oh the joys of waiting.
I love my Chacos so much. I don't ever want to not wear them. After a winter of wearing sneakers, putting on my Chacos again was amazing. I wore them all last weekend and my feet are so happy to see their old buddies again. So I'm wearing them to work everyday this week, I have just decided. After all, they have sat in their little box all winter waiting for me to put them back on again. They make me happy. They make my feet happy.
I am currently reading a book called Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach. Fascinating. My cadaver experience is limited to one trip to the anatomy lab in college with Josh, but I have always thought I might have missed my calling in life to be a forensic pathologist. Anyway, this book is teaching me so much, while satisfying my morbid curiosity about what things look like. I highly recommend it.
I read a fantastic quote today while I was browsing at Waldenbooks. It was: "Answer to a question: Do you like Kipling? I don't know, I've never been kippled." I guess maybe you had to be there.
I feel like I'm cheating on my car with a much younger guy. Yes, my car is a dude--just because it's maroon doesn't mean it isn't a guy. The one I'm driving currently is a 2007 Grand Prix--white, I might add. Quite sporty and has some amazing get-up-and-go, but like I said, I feel like I'm being disloyal to my car, so I'm trying not to enjoy it too much.
I heard back from my agent today--apparently the next phase of this whole deal will take at least 30 days before they get a response. Oh the joys of waiting.
I love my Chacos so much. I don't ever want to not wear them. After a winter of wearing sneakers, putting on my Chacos again was amazing. I wore them all last weekend and my feet are so happy to see their old buddies again. So I'm wearing them to work everyday this week, I have just decided. After all, they have sat in their little box all winter waiting for me to put them back on again. They make me happy. They make my feet happy.
I am currently reading a book called Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers, by Mary Roach. Fascinating. My cadaver experience is limited to one trip to the anatomy lab in college with Josh, but I have always thought I might have missed my calling in life to be a forensic pathologist. Anyway, this book is teaching me so much, while satisfying my morbid curiosity about what things look like. I highly recommend it.
I read a fantastic quote today while I was browsing at Waldenbooks. It was: "Answer to a question: Do you like Kipling? I don't know, I've never been kippled." I guess maybe you had to be there.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Yes, I know that isn't a word.
I spent the weekend in Estes Park, CO--and it was fabulous and exactly what I needed. I rolled into town about 5-ish on Friday night and immediately noticed that I look like I fit right in, with my rolled up jeans and my Chacos. Good times.
I went to Bryce's and got quite the surprise when he came out to meet me with 'I have a girlfriend, I didn't tell you, I'm sorry'. So that was super-stressful and awkward. I peaced out of that situation as soon as I could, and promptly got lost trying to find Eagle Rock, the school Heather works at.
Heather rescued me and we went to dinner with some of the other Fellows she works with. It was delightful--except I had a horrible headache, like blinding pain whenever I stood up. I'm sure it was both from driving for 4 hours and Bryce's little surprise.
Eagle Rock is amazing! It is so unconventionally high-school and everyone was nice there. Plus the campus us beautiful.
Heather and I went hiking into Rocky Mountain National Park on Saturday and took a 6.5 mile loop up to Cub Lake. It was incredibly beautiful. And my knee didn't hurt at all! Of course we took Jack and Blaine, because the boys deserve some fresh air once in a while. My hip was sore at the end.
Saturday night Heather and I went out to dinner with Bryce at some pizza place. Bryce and I shared a pizza--I let him pick because he was the hungry one, not me. He picked enchalada pizza that was extremely spicy, but not too bad. Then he and I went for a walk around town and played some serious Peyote tournament at some random park on this really sketchy picnic table. I was up by 1 game when the light finally died and we had to stop playing.
It was really nice. Of course we had the conversation as to why he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend. That actually went really well. I have missed Bryce so much, and even though I thought it might be awkward and not like old times, I was wrong. We picked back up like we just saw each other 2 days ago, instead of 2 years.
Heather and I ate breakfast in the dining room and then Heather was on-duty, so we hung out on some steps for an hour or so and just talked. It was extremely nice--chill and just what I needed. I got to wear my Chacos pretty much the entire weekend, got some sun--and no sun burn, go me! It was also just super-nice to hang out with Heather. She knows me really well and there is no judgment, you know?
Again, let me reiterate: this weekend was exactly what I needed. I am tired, but I'll get a good night's sleep tonight and then I have one more week left at work. Hallelujah.
I spent the weekend in Estes Park, CO--and it was fabulous and exactly what I needed. I rolled into town about 5-ish on Friday night and immediately noticed that I look like I fit right in, with my rolled up jeans and my Chacos. Good times.
I went to Bryce's and got quite the surprise when he came out to meet me with 'I have a girlfriend, I didn't tell you, I'm sorry'. So that was super-stressful and awkward. I peaced out of that situation as soon as I could, and promptly got lost trying to find Eagle Rock, the school Heather works at.
Heather rescued me and we went to dinner with some of the other Fellows she works with. It was delightful--except I had a horrible headache, like blinding pain whenever I stood up. I'm sure it was both from driving for 4 hours and Bryce's little surprise.
Eagle Rock is amazing! It is so unconventionally high-school and everyone was nice there. Plus the campus us beautiful.
Heather and I went hiking into Rocky Mountain National Park on Saturday and took a 6.5 mile loop up to Cub Lake. It was incredibly beautiful. And my knee didn't hurt at all! Of course we took Jack and Blaine, because the boys deserve some fresh air once in a while. My hip was sore at the end.
Saturday night Heather and I went out to dinner with Bryce at some pizza place. Bryce and I shared a pizza--I let him pick because he was the hungry one, not me. He picked enchalada pizza that was extremely spicy, but not too bad. Then he and I went for a walk around town and played some serious Peyote tournament at some random park on this really sketchy picnic table. I was up by 1 game when the light finally died and we had to stop playing.
It was really nice. Of course we had the conversation as to why he didn't tell me he had a girlfriend. That actually went really well. I have missed Bryce so much, and even though I thought it might be awkward and not like old times, I was wrong. We picked back up like we just saw each other 2 days ago, instead of 2 years.
Heather and I ate breakfast in the dining room and then Heather was on-duty, so we hung out on some steps for an hour or so and just talked. It was extremely nice--chill and just what I needed. I got to wear my Chacos pretty much the entire weekend, got some sun--and no sun burn, go me! It was also just super-nice to hang out with Heather. She knows me really well and there is no judgment, you know?
Again, let me reiterate: this weekend was exactly what I needed. I am tired, but I'll get a good night's sleep tonight and then I have one more week left at work. Hallelujah.
Monday, May 12, 2008
I do not love UPS. I do not love autobody shops that say your parts are in when they aren't. Yes, this has a point. My car was supposed to finally be fixed today--since it has been a whopping month since my neighbor backed into my car and made it not so pretty and very broken. I had everything lined up, the appointment, the car rental--and it was going to be done in time for me to drive to Estes Park on Friday.
I got there this morning to hear that UPS still hasn't delivered my car parts--perhaps Wednesday they'll be here? They don't really know, but I'm shooting for Wednesday, so it had better be here by Wednesday. Anyway, I postponed the rental car until Wednesday and I guess I'll be taking that to Colorado for the weekend, since it is looking like my car won't be finished until Monday.
That is if the parts are in. The other alternative? Driving my broken car to Colorado for the weekend and it getting fixed next Monday, which will be my last week in Casper.
You know, it isn't my fault that my neighbor backed into my car. Why is it such a hassle? If I could, I would elminate hassles entirely for those who did nothing to deserve them.
I got there this morning to hear that UPS still hasn't delivered my car parts--perhaps Wednesday they'll be here? They don't really know, but I'm shooting for Wednesday, so it had better be here by Wednesday. Anyway, I postponed the rental car until Wednesday and I guess I'll be taking that to Colorado for the weekend, since it is looking like my car won't be finished until Monday.
That is if the parts are in. The other alternative? Driving my broken car to Colorado for the weekend and it getting fixed next Monday, which will be my last week in Casper.
You know, it isn't my fault that my neighbor backed into my car. Why is it such a hassle? If I could, I would elminate hassles entirely for those who did nothing to deserve them.
Friday, May 09, 2008
I spent all day yesterday working on formatting my manuscript. It only took 5 1/2 hours to proofread and make all my changes. They wanted it doublespaced, which means it is now over 1,000 pages. Yikes! I guess it will be easier to read now, though. Anyway, I think I overdid things yesterday a bit because today my eyes feel like puffy little slits.
That could be because I have a cold, too, but either way I feel like crap.
I talked to Bryce yesterday, who is living in Estes Park, CO. I'm going there next weekend and he is taking time off work so we can hang out. I haven't seen him for 2 years, since I left Missoula. I'm still processing this new update. My brain is like a very slow computer sometimes--it takes its sweet time processing the information. Again, it could be my cold medicine.
That could be because I have a cold, too, but either way I feel like crap.
I talked to Bryce yesterday, who is living in Estes Park, CO. I'm going there next weekend and he is taking time off work so we can hang out. I haven't seen him for 2 years, since I left Missoula. I'm still processing this new update. My brain is like a very slow computer sometimes--it takes its sweet time processing the information. Again, it could be my cold medicine.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
I have officially finished my book! I wrote the very last word at about 9:30, Monday night. And immediately felt relieved and scared at the same time, because my buffer is gone. Now we'll find out if it's any good or not....I'm nervous.
I emailed my agent with the good news and now have to put it all into the official formatting. This will take some time, so I have taken tomorrow off of work to get all my affairs in order with this thing. I have the synopsis to write--the most important, scariest part of all of this. The synopsis is what the editors will look at before (hopefully) requesting to read my manuscript.
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can do this.
Did I mention how relieved I am to finally be done? I thought it would never happen...as the deadline stretched and grew and disappeared into the horizon in front of me, I thought I would be working on it forever.
Forever is a long time.
I am excited to start this process, however nervous I am at the same time.
I emailed my agent with the good news and now have to put it all into the official formatting. This will take some time, so I have taken tomorrow off of work to get all my affairs in order with this thing. I have the synopsis to write--the most important, scariest part of all of this. The synopsis is what the editors will look at before (hopefully) requesting to read my manuscript.
So I'm keeping my fingers crossed that I can do this.
Did I mention how relieved I am to finally be done? I thought it would never happen...as the deadline stretched and grew and disappeared into the horizon in front of me, I thought I would be working on it forever.
Forever is a long time.
I am excited to start this process, however nervous I am at the same time.
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