Yesterday was the longest day of my life.
I had phone calls, and those were going well--until about noon, when I was called to the office and the fun began. I spent, quite literally, from noon until 9:30 last night in the office, with a break for a late lunch and a break for a late dinner. The rest of it was meetings and waiting around for meetings. On the upside, Bob Ditter and I are now on a first name basis.
3 of my girls could potentially be sent home as a warning. They are bullying the girls in their cabin and just generally making it not a safe place. At least 1 of those girls is just a follower. One of them is the one who got my counselor kicked out of her cabin last summer by telling lies to her parents. Her parents yelled at Dan and Jane on the phone--all the way from Morocco, I might add, at 1 in the morning. I guess I'd be grumpy too, if I were woken up in Morocco to hear my precious daughter is a bully and might be sent home from camp. Of course it wasn't her fault. Anything but that.
That is just one of the reasons I felt drained.
They flat-out lied about everything. I even overheard their conversation and they still tried to deny it!
Anyway, last night we got our 3-year water bottles and We're Back shirts, and where was I? In the office, in another meeting. I was so upset about that. And then walking to pick up my stuff, I kept running into people who wanted to know why I skipped the presentation. Arrrrrr.
I also had to stick poor Kara with all the phone calls, and today was her first phone call day! I felt horrible.
I took out my contacts about 10 because I couldn't even see straight anymore. Everyone I encountered recoiled and gave me this concerned look and told me I needed to go to bed, but I was OD until 11:30. I walked back to pick up the miscreants from the office and had just sat down to wait for them to get out of another meeting with Dan when Bill walked in and escorted me from the office. He was trying to take me to the health center, but I told him I wasn't sick, just tired. So he escorted me to my room and made sure I went inside.
I was so tired I called my parents and then cried.
I feel a bit better this morning. At least my frame of mind is better. I could still sleep until next Friday.
I hope I don't have anymore meetings today. I never even got to see the rest of my girls yesterday. Just the bad ones. I need to remind myself that I like my girls and that I chose to be here for them.