Monday, September 29, 2008
I am writing like crazy! I have 3 books in the works, but even though I get flashes of inspiration for all of them at odd times, I really only want to seriously work on one. I also plan on pushing my other book with my agent more. Who knows how much work they are really doing with it, you know? I am getting skeptical...
I also plan on rearranging my room. I have this whole scenario worked out in my head. Perhaps it won't work, but we'll see. What I really want is a huge hammock. That probably won't happen.
Of course, the big J O B thing will have to happen soon. I am rather lackadaisical about that one, mostly because I really do hate the idea of working. Especially a job that is just for 'right now' and that I probably won't be too crazy about. I'll give myself a swift kick and get into action soon.
I also got a new phone! At first I couldn't figure out how to answer it, let alone any of the other things it does, but now I get it. It was sad to stop using my last phone. Does anyone else get these insane attachments to non-animate objects, or is that just me?
It is becoming fall here! I love fall. I love the smells, the pumpkins, the rustly leaves, Halloween, the smells again, and just the feeling of it being fall. Unfortunately, it is always too short and then winter hits and I don't feel the same level of amicability toward winter as I do towards fall.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Now for the ewwwww....
Remember that mushroom hunt I went on? Well, I picked up about 4 ticks from that excursion. All the previous hikes I have been on where there is a tick danger, I have known what to look for. German ticks are tiny. I didn't see them until it was too late. So I removed them and have been researching ticks now just in case I come down with some horrible German tick disease.
I feel dirty.
AND completely happy to be home! Yeah USA!
Monday, September 15, 2008
Castle Manderscheid
Then we drove to another castle that is nearby, called Castle Manderscheid. It was probably my favorite, for the express reason that they let me crawl all over it! I loved being able to explore every inch. Plus, it was the most medieval looking of all the castles we have seen.
View from the overlook at Castle Manderscheid. There is another tower higher up, but we didn't bother walking to it.
A replica of the castle--I don't know if they made it for a map, or what, but it is old! And very cool.
The view from the top of the highest tower toward the bottom. I loved being able to climb to the very top! And you get in for only 2 e, which is so good compared to the other entry fees we've been paying.
Today we are going back to Mannheim to meet some friends of Kat, and then we are just going to hang out there. Afterwards, we will be packing!
We are leaving bright and early tomorrow morning--7:30 the airport shuttle will come pick us up. We fly out at 10:40--which is like 2:40 AM MST back in America. We get into Detroit at 2:30 in the afternoon and then have 2 more flights to look forward after that. I hate long flights.And then I will be home!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
Another thing I am excited about returning to America for? Food! The food over here has been good--I haven't starved. And I really like the ice cream and the pastries. The rest of it, though, is a bit strange and makes me feel homesick. And I think I'm done eating sandwiches for quite a long time.
I am excited for microwave popcorn, for yogurt that I recognize, for our 2 gallon milk containers, for cold drinks and not lukewarm ones, for cheddar cheese--it doesn't exist here. I am also really excited about being able to read the signs and to know what the heck I'm supposed to do, even in a strange situation.
We went to another castle today and it was probably my favorite--it was the most medieval and even though it wasn't completely standing, you could climb all over it! I loved that part. I'll put up pictures tomorrow.
Friday, September 12, 2008
Trier and Roman Ruins
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
General Impressions
The roads here are small. One lane at best. And sometimes the roads make me carsick, which never happens back in America. Back home I can read in the car all the time. Here, I would be puking within seconds. Here, unless I'm in the front seat I get slightly green around the edges.
The cars here are small. I love the teeny tiny little Bozo cars--I think they call them Smart cars. I would love to drive one.
I have also discovered that not knowing the language is a pain in the butt! I know how to say danke and bitte, but sometimes when I am confronted with someone speaking German--say a cashier--my mind freezes up and I totally want to speak Spanish! I never realized how much of that I actually learned until I was here. Crazy, huh? Especially since I am not even in a remotely Spanish speaking country! And yet, all these Spanish phrases come to mind and I realize that I can say more than I realized. Perhaps it is time to dust off the Spanish vocab books and get back into that.
I'll write more tomorrow. We just got home and I'm going to have a bowl of cereal--oats and chocolate, what more could you ask for? And then I'm going to bed! Gute Nacht! Auf Wiedersehen!
Monday, September 08, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Spoon Artist And Spoon Pirate On The Horizon
We went to this open air museum in Hagen--I think that's the name of the town--Kat will tell me if I'm wrong. :)
Anyway, it was this enormous village type thing dedicated to how people lived way-back-when. Some of the buildings were already there and some have been moved in since. They have people who recreate the old trades and make their own horseshoes and other metals, old printing presses, an old brewery, shoes, etc. And spoons! Yes, spoons made from wood, along with other eating utensils.
It is on a HUGE area of ground, so we walked and walked and walked and got tired about 3/4s of the way through, but we pushed on. I took many pictures before losing interest in old metal instruments and huge fireplaces. I did really dig the architecture, though. And the area was pretty beautiful. I really wanted to slide down the big overspill thingie, but since it was out of bounds I figured I would get us kicked out before I had a chance to buy a wooden spoon! I refrained.
The one place I wanted to see was the spoon building area, and it was this tiny little workshop in the back of where they make wooden clog type shoes. I fell in love! It was amazing. I wish there had been someone inside, making spoons, but apparently that is now a lost art. Wooden spoons and utensils don't hold up real well in dishwashers, you know. Bummer. I think I need to resurrect the art of the perfect spoon from wood. I learned that they used to ship the spoons and utensils all over--which means I could also be a Spoon Pirate! I could sell my spoons, ship them off, and steal them back! More profit for me...
I went to the gift shop to buy a genuine wooden spoon and--no bueno--they don't sell genuine, hand-crafted, wooden spoons. They did sell a genuine hand-made teeny-tiny scoop for flour or something, so I had to content myself with that. Now do you see the need for my new hobby? I could be selling these things to tourists for 10 euro a spoon! And in return, they wouldn't have to be disallusioned like I was!
I have a fever and the only prescription is more cowbell! This is where they made their own cowbells. It was their own little cowbell forge...This tunnel was pretty cool. It was built for midgets, though...I had to bend almost over in some places.
Anyway, we are leaving here in the morning--back to Carlsburg to stay with Kat's dad and step-mom again for the week.
We have been going shopping and the only thing I have purchased is that lame-o wooden scoop! We have big plans for shopping in Mannheim, though. I also need to hit the English sections of the bookstores because I did not pack enough books!
Thursday, September 04, 2008
Exploring the Neighborhood
Photo Op
Sci-Fi and Birds
Monday, September 01, 2008
I Love Castles!
My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.