Thursday, August 30, 2007


I've been in Casper since last Sunday. Just a vacation, not the permanent move. I won't relocate here until September--end of, that is. In the meantime, it has been nice to get caught back up with family.
Kaelan is adorable! He's grown so much in the 2 months since I last saw him. He is using sentences now! We have a good time. He has been my little shadow since I got here, even sleeping in the same bed as me the first night. That's ok. We have a lot of lost time to make up for.
We went hiking at Independence Rock and that was fun. Kaelan and Grandma and Grandpa and I climbed all over it. We had to find a new way down, but we blazed a trail. Grandpa wasn't sure about getting Kaelan down, but I talked him into it. We had to go down and then lift him after us and kind of pass him along like an assembly line. At the very top of the rock were these pools of rainwater and they were full of freshwater shrimp! Amazing. And the water wasn't even that warm. It wasn't super cold, but it definitely was cool to the touch.
We went to Alcova today and swam. I tried to snorkel--you can't see anything in that water, so that was a bust. Kaelan went in the water too, which was surprising. We built some pretty cool sandcastles.
Other than that, not much but relaxation and fun.

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