Since I have started working at Precision, I have seen more convicts than in my entire life to date. We are always having guys come in from the many different Honor and Conservation camps scattered around Wyoming. Are there that many in other states, too, or is Wyoming just full of convicted criminals? I guess I'll have to do some research. Anyway, just today we had 4 guys in, all wearing those colorful shirts they make them wear--red, orange, yellow, blue--but definitely some type of prison uniform. They were very friendly, but very rough around the edges. One of them was there because he had been 'hip shot' as he put it, in the robbery or whatever it was that landed him in jail in the first place and this resulted in a twisted spine and a leg length discrepency. They had two armed guards there to keep an eye on them. It is a very interesting experience for me. I'm not nervous around them, because there are all those guns the guards carry, and I'm pretty sure I saw pepper spray and a tazer in the one guard's belt o'fun. On the other hand, I think we're all kind of conditioned to be wary around them. Who knows what they are in trouble for, after all. And of course there are the ones who come from the State Pen at Rawlins, with the orange jumpsuit and full on arm and leg shackles. The guards who accompany those guys keep one hand on their gun butt at all times.
Another story, while I'm on the topic of guns. Kamil hired a tech to work in the back with he and Vince today and when Sandy asked for his two forms of ID he handed her his driver's license and his concealed carry permit. It was awesome and struck up a conversation between he and I about guns. He used to be a police officer and he is now an instructor and still carries a gun around. I was interested by that. Research!! I am always researching.
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