Final Fight! And Sing, of course, as you can't have one without the other.
Green won Color War!!!! I think it was extremely close this summer, though.
Batman was in the Final Fight, as was James Bond, the Incredible Hulk, Captain America, Superman, a guy riding a horse, the giant hotdog, Spongebob, and I think that might have been it--oh yeah, and the Monster bad-guys from the Color War break. Needless to say, there was a little too much happening in all directions to really focus on any one person. The guy riding the horse went down quick, as did Spongebob, but Batman acquitted himself well. The giant hotdog had everyone kicking him at one point but he squirmed out while they were distracted and won the fight.
Color War is officially over. That leaves us one cleaning day on Wednesday and one packing day on Thursday.
Then I am on a bus to Long Island, NY.
And then I am on a plane for Montana!!! And then I am home.
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