Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Baby Weston!

So precious!
He's here!!!  His C-section was scheduled for the 26th but apparently coming early is just his MO because Ashlie went into labor on the 22nd early in the morning and rather than wait they just took him C-section that morning, at about 8:20 AM.  He was 7.4 pounds and was 19 inches long.  And I will say one thing for C-sections--they don't make the baby look all squished!  Weston is perfect :)

I went to Helena on Friday after class and stayed the night with Will so that Brandt could stay at the hospital with Ashlie and Wes.  Will and I had some good bonding time--we ate cookies and played the X-box.  It was a mini-vacation for both of us :)  Man Will can talk!  Sure, half of what he says he is just repeating but it is impressive all the same.  I think if he was taking Arabic class with me he would kick my butt at it!

Monday, September 12, 2011

Taking Me Back

I love school!!!  I am in my official 3rd week of classes and I am going strong.  And despite having 19 credits I am not overworked a bit.  Not much homework.  Granted I am tired but that could be because I haven't been sleeping very well--I wake up in the middle of the night and speak Arabic to myself.  Then I get the itch to get up and start writing words--in Arabic, of course--but I make myself stay in bed and eventually I fall back asleep again. 

I am practicing Arabic on a daily basis and I already can feel myself getting better.  I can read and write 13 letters in the alphabet thus far--but I definitely need improvement.  My writing looks like a 4-year old!  I bet those little Arab Kindergarteners could show me a thing for two.  But I love it and I am excited to be getting a little better.

As far as the rest of my classes go, I am learning so much about Psych already.  I think my favorite class just might be Development Psych, but then again we are learning cool things in Research Methods right now too.  I am a bit disappointed in my Abnormal Psych class but that is just because the instructor seems a little uncomfortable teaching it and we haven't gotten to anything good yet.  I also like my Psych 100 class, despite having to go be a guinea pig for the grad students on Wednesday--I just hope their experiments have nothing to do with The Jersey Shore!

Thursday, September 08, 2011

My Babies

Playing at Sandy Beach

I went to Casper before school started so I could see my boys.  We hung out all week and had tons of fun!  Here are some pictures of the merriment.      

So Cold!!!

I will miss my Kameron


Playing in the water

Crazy Thing Called Life

So I did go to Bryn Mawr this summer--for my 6th.  I did not, alas, write about it!  I was crazy-busy--I moved from Junior Camp to Senior Camp.  I loved my kiddos though--for those of you reading this, you know who you are and I miss you!!!  Basically I can never go back down to Junior Camp after the hectic-fun-wonderful-insane thing that is Senior Camp.

And now?  I am back in Montana, at the University of Montana as a post-baccalaureate student, getting my degree in Psychology.  I will be here until May.  It is only the 2nd full week of classes but I already LOVE all that I am doing.  I am taking Abnormal Psych, Developmental Psych, Arabic, Research Methods, and Psych 100.  Even though I have 19 credits my schedule isn't too busy.  Arabic is my hardest class and the one that I love the most, it is true.  Everyday I go and everyday I feel slightly uncomfortable to be there but that is how I know I am learning!

In other news, Brandt and Ashlie's baby is due soon.  His name will be Weston Brandt and they will call him Wes for short.  His due date wasn't until the beginning of October but Ashlie went into labor with him a few weeks ago and his little lungs weren't fully developed yet.  That and because he is breach made for a scary time until they got it stopped.  They initially put her on bed rest but then took her off and now they are deciding whether to schedule a C-section or see if they can get him turned naturally.

In Soldier news, two of mine went home.  You may have heard that I had just adopted a 4th Soldier right before I went to camp.  He went home mid-summer due to a family emergency--:(  I worried about him and still worry about him but I don't want to bother him now that he is home.  And my SMSgt got to go home because he was all finished!  And then my SSG was promoted to SFC--yay!!!--and he went home for this month only on leave.  That left me with only 1 Soldier to support so I am going to adopt another one!

My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.