So I did go to Bryn Mawr this summer--for my 6th. I did not, alas, write about it! I was crazy-busy--I moved from Junior Camp to Senior Camp. I loved my kiddos though--for those of you reading this, you know who you are and I miss you!!! Basically I can never go back down to Junior Camp after the hectic-fun-wonderful-insane thing that is Senior Camp.
And now? I am back in Montana, at the University of Montana as a post-baccalaureate student, getting my degree in Psychology. I will be here until May. It is only the 2nd full week of classes but I already LOVE all that I am doing. I am taking Abnormal Psych, Developmental Psych, Arabic, Research Methods, and Psych 100. Even though I have 19 credits my schedule isn't too busy. Arabic is my hardest class and the one that I love the most, it is true. Everyday I go and everyday I feel slightly uncomfortable to be there but that is how I know I am learning!
In other news, Brandt and Ashlie's baby is due soon. His name will be Weston Brandt and they will call him Wes for short. His due date wasn't until the beginning of October but Ashlie went into labor with him a few weeks ago and his little lungs weren't fully developed yet. That and because he is breach made for a scary time until they got it stopped. They initially put her on bed rest but then took her off and now they are deciding whether to schedule a C-section or see if they can get him turned naturally.
In Soldier news, two of mine went home. You may have heard that I had just adopted a 4th Soldier right before I went to camp. He went home mid-summer due to a family emergency--:( I worried about him and still worry about him but I don't want to bother him now that he is home. And my SMSgt got to go home because he was all finished! And then my SSG was promoted to SFC--yay!!!--and he went home for this month only on leave. That left me with only 1 Soldier to support so I am going to adopt another one!
1 comment:
the ones you know who are reading this who shall not be named, say greetings
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