Sunday, December 04, 2011

A Bad Moon

So I was just browsing through some movies a friend of mine sent me and found The Wolfman with Benecio Del Torro--ever seen it?  (Just FYI, I am extremely frightened of werewolves.  I am almost phobic about them.  I watched American Werewolf in London when I was 5 and refused to leave the house for days and days, even in the daylight.  CCR's Bad Moon Rising would come on the radio and I would scream.  It was bad.)  Anyway, now I watch EVERY werewolf movie I can find just to prove that I can watch it, even though I cover my eyes and have nightmares.  SO tonight I thought why not!  I started watching and of course they leap right into the scary parts--some dippy guy was wandering around the forest yelling for someone to come out, presumably the werewolf?  I don't know who else he was expecting...  You can guess where this is going huh?  It came out!  And didn't say 'here I am, what did you want?' like that idiot was so obviously expecting but instead ate him!  I made some yip noises and covered my eyes and then my heart was pounding so bad I had to shut it off.  Maybe I will watch that the daylight...when I am feeling brave!

My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.