Today was Carnival, and I was Funshine Bear. All the GLs collectively were the CareBears. We looked pretty good, for decorating our shirts the morning of. I made everyone a set of pipecleaner ears and we were good to go. I really dug my yellow soccer socks. I think the costumes were pretty awesome this year. I am always surprised, with how little time we really have to prepare, how creative and great the costumes are.
I was once again in the dunk tank. This year they rented it from the same company we get all our blowup rides, and it was bigger than the sketchy dunk tank. It wasn't as deep, so the danger of drowning was eliminated. It was wider, so you wouldn't bang your arms. It had a step, so you could actually get out of the thing. There were no wooden or rusty edges to take off your skin. There were no ants living in the seat. The seat actually stayed down and didn't drop you without warning. That being said, it was still not an enjoyable experience. The water was about 50 degrees and it was not the warmest day today--hypothermia was probably a danger. I'm serious, it was so cold that it took your breath away and hurt your chest and then when you got out, you couldn't stop shivering. I was the first one in again this summer--I do love being the dunk tank guinea pig! I didn't sit far enough forward on the seat on my 4th drop and the seat whacked me in the middle of my back on the way down. I have the biggest bruise there already. It hurt! After that, I couldn't stop shivering so I went and took a warm shower and gave up the dunk tank. I did not escape injury yet again. Maybe it doesn't matter what kind of dunk tank, maybe dunk tanks in general are just sketchy. There is no feeling worse than sitting on a slippery seat, balanced way out precariously, afraid to lean back, unable to grab anything, and waiting to be dropped into ice cold water. No worse feeling.
This is me climbing up onto the dunk tank. Notice the little window for your viewing pleasure.
So Bill brought me a snow cone to make me feel better about hurting my back on the dunk tank, and I proceeded to drip orange all down the front of my staff shirt.
After that I was a fortune teller with Charlotte--she made me a costume this summer! I read the TarUno cards--yes, they were Uno cards--and I had some fun making up fortunes for girls.
Tonight was the fake break for Color War. A bit of an Indiana Jones fake.
Color War is coming up!
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