I should probably say just where I am in Germany. We flew into Frankfurt and then drove about an hour to Mannheim, where Kat's dad and step-mom live. If you look on a map it is right next to the Rhine, close to the border of France.
I slept from 10 last night until 8:30 this morning. Kaelan slept with me and he didn't move until 10:30 this morning! He told me he slept like a cadillac--does that mean he slept like a rock? He also told me he stings like a beaver. I think he's going for the version of Cars where Lightning McQueen says he stings like a Beemer. Anyway, he's fun.
I think we're going for a walk today to see a castle and be outside. It is beatiful here. The countryside looks a bit like Pennsylvania--lots of rolling hills covered in trees. I took a few pictures of the view from the yard above the house. 
I guess we are supposed to be taking it easy today, but I feel fine. I think my internal clock reset itself already. Once the sun goes down, my body said sleep, and when the sun came up, my body said wake up! No problems. Once I took a shower I felt human again. And I squeegied the shower doors. I did have to take some Tylenol at about midnight so my leg would stop hurting. It feels ok now, though. I was worried for a while there that I would have a permanent limp while we are here.
More later!
I am already taking lots of pictures.
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