Monday, December 28, 2009
And We Have A Baby!
Welcome to the family, Will!
Saturday, December 26, 2009
Iced Again
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Home For the Holidays
Pictures and news to follow.
Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Anyway, we are about two days away from that awful drive back to Montana, where we will remain until Baby Will puts in an appearance--either on his own time table or on the 30th when Ashlie is induced. Either way, we will see him soon and I can't wait to meet him.
Friday, December 18, 2009
Soon to be home for Christmas, and hopefully Baby Will will put in an appearance soon. My 3rd nephew! All is well in Jessie-land.
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Ugly Sweater Party
Friday, November 27, 2009
Sunday, November 22, 2009
Movies, Jobs, and Breaks
In the case of my job, this is what has been going on: I work from 9 to 5, sometimes 8 to 5 if I need to cover for Sandy, and things are going well. I have been involved the entire month of November in fitting my first mastectomy patient--well, the first one that I have been responsible for. And it has been a challenge! I am due to fit her tomorrow with the lastest and hopefully she will be satisfied. It is kind of like a puzzle...trying to find which size breast form, how to rotate it, etc. And in this case, what is too big and what is too small.
And lastly, Thanksgiving break is coming up! I work a whopping total of 2 days this week, and then we are driving home to Montana! Brandt and Ash will join us for dinner on Thursday, and then we are all going to Helena to tour the Fire Station on Friday so the boys can see everything and maybe even sit in an actual fire truck. They are super excited. Then Saturday is Ashlie's shower, and then we drive back to Casper on Sunday.
Just in time for the Ugly Sweater party I am throwing the beginning of December...
Tuesday, November 03, 2009
The Turn
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Halloween Party!
Sunday, October 25, 2009
My favorite part of Zombieland? The Woody Harrelson, Bill Murray reenactment of Ghostbusters, with vacuum cleaners. Awesome!!
Saturday, October 24, 2009
Where The Wild Things Are
In the movie...well, I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but suffice it to say that there is not much happy about this version. I really did like how they brought the Wild Things to life. Their wild rumpus was very believable. But why did they have to be so...disfunctional? They were supposed to be uncivilized in a good way! Wild but not burdened with the problems that face us on a day to day basis. I guess you could argue both sides of the coin. They were very human-like in their emotions and feelings which means they were relatable.
I guess what it all comes down to is that when I finish the book Where the Wild Things Are, I never cry. In the movie, I bawled. It just isn't supposed to be sad. It is supposed to be happy and leave your imagination all fired up for your own wild rumpus. And it isn't quite the kid's story it should have been.
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
And So It Is
I am preaching to the choir, aren't I?
I know, I thankful I have a good job that pays well and suck it up. But when someone finally wants my books and I don't have to work 9 to 5, or I get brave enough to run away to the circus, I will be a happy happy girlie.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
I'm not talking about illegally downloading music or movies...I'm talking about the modern-day pirates who are plying the waters currently around Africa. I did a paper on them for my Globalization and Lit class my senior year of college, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It made writing a 25-pager much more entertaining when the subject matter interests me. And yes, before you ask, I would definitely run off to become a pirate. In fact, during graduation, my friend Roger told me that he would join my crew if I asked. It was a nice goodbye.
Anyhow, the reason I bring this up is because I am putting pirates in my book. I don't really know the angle yet, but I'm working on it. I'll keep you posted.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
What Happened To Fall?
Thursday, October 01, 2009
My Bow!
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Adventures In Outlaw Country
Saturday, September 26, 2009
And for this weekend? Slack lining, putting together my sweet scrapbook that Heather D made me at camp for my birthday, figuring out my jewelry storage situation, and my creativity project!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
1. I can walk my slack line no matter the set-up or the height!
2. I am in the process of buying my first bow! I'll keep you posted on how my Ebay adventure pans out. So far I am the highest bidder.
3. The weekend is coming up and I have many plans.
4. I have a great project in the works that is going to help my creativity when I write.
And now for more relaxation and the rest of my movie.
Friday, September 18, 2009
I can't explain the way it feels to suddenly know you can walk that thing--and to know that I finally have a marketable circus skill! It is the biggest rush. I never wanted to quit. More later, definitely.
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
I Would Rather Be Walking!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Tuesday, September 08, 2009
Bright and Shiny
More my outlook on life at the moment, which after last night I never would have thought possible. Last night everything was awful and pessimism abounded in my thoughts--I had so many negative words I could have written my own negative thesaurus. And then Kameron kept me up from 2:30 until 5:30, kicking his crib and yelling "No!" every 10 minutes. Oh. My. Goodness. I was so tired his morning.
And then I went back to work and everything was like it was when I left...except Jean wasn't there, and that makes me sad. However, I remember how to do everything, I got a raise!!!, and it was just good to be settled down again. I still miss camp. Ah well. And after work I took my car through the car wash, something I never do, and now it is all bright and shiny too.
AND THEN, Kat was having a jewelry party here so I got to try on some pretty great pieces--I even bought a few. I have been more and more into jewelry lately, I don't know why. Bronze pieces in particular. My new fave? A bronze chain with an airplane and a tiny swallow. I got quite a few compliments on it today at work.
And we begin again tomorrow...
Monday, September 07, 2009
Vacation Wonderland
The boys and I by the water--we wore our pjs a lot. Hey, we're on vacation, right?
Taking the paddleboat for a spin--Easter came with us.
I set up my slack line while we were there and left it up all week, which was so much fun. I even made it all the way across!!! A new personal record. I haven't quite gotten the turn and start back move yet, but I am sure that will also be the next thing to happen. Walking it felt so steady after two tries of it. Part of the first walk across--Dad got the beginning at least.
We took Kaelan to the waterslides. For the first time ever, I got stuck on the waterslides! Does that mean I'm getting old?? No, maybe my suit wasn't made out of slippy material. There were a couple fat ladies who were bombing down those things. I went fast when I was in the tubes, but then it was almost too fast. I don't know. I guess maybe I'll just chalk it up to not having a slippy suit on, and not being fat enough to go super-fast, and that the waterslides are getting old.
And now...I packed up my stuff and made the horrid drive back to Casper today. I go back to work in the morning. I am more than a little unsure about that situation right now, as I sit here. I miss camp!
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Slacklining In the Park
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Rest and Relaxation
Saturday, August 15, 2009
It's Over
I flew in last night at 11:10, after an extremely bumpy ride--so turbulent, in fact, that it was kind of scary. There was lightning outside the plane and the guy sitting next to me was so freaked out that I stopped listening to my Ipod so that I could calm him down. We talked about the vacation he was going on--he and his wife, who was sitting two rows behind us, were going to Glacier and up into Banff. That seemed to work, but every 10 minutes or so we would hit a really rough patch and be tossed around. It was starting to make me feel a bit unsteady, which never happens to me on an airplane, but the dude was starting to make me nervous by being so nervous himself. Needless to say, I was glad to get off that plane.
Saying goodbye to everyone at camp was just as hard this summer as last summer. I cried a lot. It isn't fun to say goodbyes. I will miss everyone like crazy. However, the best part of Bryn Mawr is picking up exactly where we all left off the next time we see each other, like 10 months haven't passed. It was hard to say goodbye to my girls in 14 and 12. They all hugged me and cried. I was pretty much over 15, so I didn't even mind seeing them leave. Is that bad to say? It is how I feel. I was sad to say goodbye to Livvy, though.
The bus ride was good. The girls were really good--there was one pucker, and she made it into the garbage bag so I didn't have to clean. The parents picked up their kids and peaced, so there was no stress there. And then the driver picked us up early and we didn't have to wait for an hour! It was great. He drove us right through New York, so we got to see the city. We made good time to the airport. I did get stuck paying an exorbitant fee for my bags, but I was so ready to get out of there at this point that I didn't even care. I met up with the same group as last summer and we all sat at McDonald's with red eyes, extremely tired, hating life...and didn't want to leave each other when it came time to go. I was on the same flight as Tanya and Erica, so that was good.
And now I am home, and I washed all my laundry because it smelled really bad. Then I will pack up again and head to Casper to see my boys!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Gold Wins!
The Final Fight, or the Conflict Resolution as they called it, wasn't much of a fight. It was Gladiators trying to bump off the Green and Gold representatives. Very funny until Beau whopped Josh with a mat as he was flying through the air off the tumble track into the Bunk One girls. There were a few tears and more than one ice bag after that. Poor Josh felt awful. It probably hurt him too. Not a very soft landing. After that there was a dance off between the Green and Gold representatives. Drew was once again the giant hotdog, but he didn't dance. Bummer. The dance moves were hilarious and the girls really enjoyed the production.
I have been cleaning all day today. I do not like today or tomorrow. Cleaning and packing are not fun. I was hot and sweaty and grumpy today.
My stuff is mostly packed. A few last minute items to stuff and then I will be done.
Tuesday, August 11, 2009
Lightning Strikes
Monday, August 10, 2009
1. I started to read The Time Traveler's Wife. I like it so far.
2. I really like my new counselor in 15. She makes me laugh.
3. I really really like my old counselor in 15, Livvy. Today in her exit interview with Britton she said some very nice things. They made me choke up a little bit, actually. I really appreciate her and all the hard work she's put in. I know it hasn't been the easiest time in 15, but she's stuck with it. Plus she's just a nice person. So lovely to be around.
4. Gary Brown is a kick in the pants. He told me yesterday he wants to come visit me in Montana. He said that my parents must be very nice people and he'd like to meet them.
5. I got to serve snack today for the first time ever! Granted, it didn't last very long but I liked it while it happened.
6. My girls in 14 are such good kids.
7. I have been having very good times with all my girls in general. We've been laughing a lot.
8. I am tired.
9. Today was the hottest day all summer--96 I believe. That doesn't sound that hot, but to all of us here used to 70s and rain, this feels like being broiled alive.
10. I got all my paperwork done!!!!!
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Color War!!!
A week and one day left at camp.
Monday, August 03, 2009
Rainy Days, UFO Chasers, Lane Judging and Benny and the Jets

Saturday, August 01, 2009
Celebratory Dock Jump
Friday, July 31, 2009
From 9 to 6
On an up note, today is my day off and when I went into lunch I was absolutely BOMBARDED with girls, both mine and Tina's, who were so excited to see me and had missed me all morning. We sat together and had a great lunch, laughing and joking. I really do love my girls this summer. I don't even want to think about leaving them all in 2 weeks.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I Said LOOK!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
MC, Hike, JCSD, Movie Night

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Tubing and Awesomeness
Last night on OD I had this surge of complete and utter happiness. I have been struggling with something all summer and last night I felt it snap back into place--of course I had to do some joyous airkicks! I probably looked pretty special on cabin row doing some utterly ungraceful hops up and down, but whatever. I was feeling it at the moment. And THEN Charlotte brought us cookies and Puchi gave us soda and then I saw a huge FROG in the middle of the road that made me smile.
And today was late sleep!!!! I am at the point of my summer where I am starting to get extremely tired. All I do on any time off now is sleep or sit around. There is no more fun trips planned at this point, just what can I do to ensure I'm in bed early on my time off...And once I do get home, I think I sleep and do nothing for at least a week. But I am not ready to think about coming home yet! Camp has flown by and I am having too much fun with my girls.
Last night I had so much fun walking around with them and laughing about anything and everything. We have really bonded this summer and I enjoy all of them.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
JCSD is fast approaching. I am excited for it and a little bit anxious as to how the day is going to go down. We are still working out some logistical things right now.
My lip is feeling better--still blistered and gross, but the swelling has gone down and it doesn't hurt as bad. I will be doing a happy dance when it eventually is gone completely! I think a dock jump is in order!
I played in the lake on the surfboards with 14 yesterday. We have an Explorer in our bunk and they were pulling out the stops to show her a good time. We had some fun times. I stood on my surfboard 3 times and then had to abandon further attempts because my girls like to try to dunk me too much.
Everything else is going well--I won't even say how many days left we have, because I will cry.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
More Pics and A List

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Picture Catch-Up!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Books and Cubby Cleaning
We are cleaning for Visiting Day--which is on Saturday, can you believe it?? Not me. I'm feeling way too relaxed for it already to be Visiting Day. Anyway, I spent all morning in 15 helping with cubbies because they only had one counselor, only to walk into 14 and be blown away by the fact that even though they have 2 counselors, nothing was done. I have to do all the cubbies in the back still. 12 looks amazing, I won't even worry. But why do I always have one bunk every summer that stress me out about cleaning? Riddle me that...
I saw the new Harry Potter last night. I will give it a thumb to the side--which means neither up nor down. I liked it...I think. There were awkward parts, like with Ginny Weasely, and the ending sucked big time. That is all I will say. I need to reread the books when I get home. Brush up on my Potter and reestablish my liking for the series.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Looking back on yesterday, I think I learned--or relearned, I guess, which I think I am constantly doing in my life--that I need to ask for help and not be bothered that I can't do everything, that I need to focus on the girls who don't need something every second just as much as the high-maintenance ones, and that I really and truly love Bryn Mawr! Ok, the last one I didn't really need to relearn, but it is definitely in my thoughts.
I wish my entire family could come here and see just how special this place is. It is hard for those looking in to understand--you need to experience it, to meet everyone here. I was interviewed for the Poplar Post by one of my former campers from the past 2 summers the other day, and she asked if I was going to stay until I got my Angel. That will be next summer, summer number 5 for me. And I said of course I would, but after yesterday, I know there is no way I couldn't come back. My time at Bryn Mawr is far from over, and that also makes me happy.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Meh Day
I felt very...tired today. Tired and not very mentally or physically present, which is tough because to be successful here you need to be both very much mentally and physically present. And yet, I feel that everyone here gets this way once in a while. The trick is not to have it happen more often than it doesn't. And I can say that this is the only time I have felt like this. I have had hard days, oh my yes, but wanting to cry and not have a conversation or having a tough time with my girls is not the same as just not really feeling it. And I was not really feeling it today. I took a nap and then felt almost sick, so that wasn't the answer.
I went to archery with some of my kids today and really enjoyed that activity. I was actually pretty good at it! I could hit a bull's-eye from 30 feet back and I was pretty consistant with hitting the target in the same spot. I even hit 3 arrows in one spot at one point. I felt very Robin Hood-esque.
Tonight is my night off, and I am making the most of it by watching a good movie and relaxing. Early bed is also on the agenda.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Plastic Bubble
Friday, July 10, 2009
I had a counselor that I really needed to talk to because I was positive she just didn't like me. And who wants to ask someone why they don't like you and then have to hear the answer? I was a nervous wreck yesterday morning. I couldn't put it off anymore, because Marjori told me it needed to happen and I agree with her. But I would rather go on Possessed 5 times in a row, than have that particular conversation. Finally I wrote down some points I wanted to hit and then Drew and I went over them together in his office. I cried and felt like a big wuss, but it was nice to get that out in the open and I feel very comfortable with Drew. Then the conversation happened and it was all a huge misunderstanding and went soooo well and now things are good! Or we are working to make them good and they are going to get there eventually but at least the weight has been lifted.
Then last night at evening activity I had to have more conversations--one with a kid who had her feelings hurt and then two more with the two bunks that caused those hurt feelings. That one was rough. I didn't even want to go in there after that. I was mad, disappointed, hurt, and upset. I think sometimes girls can be mean.
Tonight at long last is Transformers!!!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Yellow Hats

Monday, July 06, 2009
Life At Camp

Two of my favorite people at camp, Drew (in the 4th gear) and Bill
Here is what's been going on since I last wrote.
1. 4th of July and an incredibly awesome fireworks display. AND, if that wasn't good enough, Shooter Jenning's 4th of July song was playing in the background! Drew makes the best playlists. Ok, so I kind of helped him with that one, but he was thinking the same thing I was.
2. I went to the Sunshine Spa yesterday during rest hour--in Bunk 16. I got a massage while they were giving me a mani. I will include a picture of my nails so you can appreciate them.
3. We go to Dorney Park tomorrow and I am a wee bit nervous. As of right this minute I am scheduled as Emergency, which means that if a counselor for some reason does not go on the trip in the morning I will take her place with her girls. If that doesn't happen, I will be a Yellow Hat and get to float around the park. My vote? The Yellow Hat. In a perfect world that will happen. In the other case, I'll be with a random group of girls that I don't know. Oh joy. Probably the Manor House who don't get to go on roller coasters.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Today Is Somebody's Birthday
We did the extra special dock jump today and here are some pictures!
In the lake afterwards, Drew, Rachel, Heather D. and me! (clockwise)
Tonight is the cake!
And my brother called me and by complete and utter happiness because it is my birthday and the universe loves me, I happened to be in my room putting on my swim suit at the time so I got to talk to him! It was fabulous.
I am loving my summer family. That being said, I miss my actual family :(
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Birthday Dinner
Shu, me, and Erica
Erica, Danielle, Tanya, Meredith, Liz, and Andrea (from clockwise)
The entire table.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
10:30 Bedtime
Monday, June 29, 2009
Two summers ago I did an impromptu walk-off with my girls on main campus and it was so much fun. Last night I thought I'd give it a try again, just more organized. Bill let us hold it in the Bill Widman Gym, because it looked like rain, and that is a prime spot that not many people get to use. I'll just chalk it up to the fact that Bill is awesome and he likes me. Anyway, we had costumes for the girls and we had two of the male staff do their own walk-off to show them how it was done. I was a little nervous we weren't going to fill the entire hour, but we could have gone longer. It was a lot of fun.
I did not get to go to bed until after 11 last night, but that was because we had Leadership and the girls always get riled up when the Bunk 1 girls come in. They are a little bit harder to settle down after that. No real criers, although I did have to take 4 girls to the health center for varying reasons. As a result, I woke up tired this morning.
It is my night off tonight!!! And the new Transformers movie is calling my name.
Sunday, June 28, 2009
And That's Why I Love Camp
After they got here, I had a couple criers in the dining hall--I didn't get to finish eating dinner. But we got them to stop and then headed down for the evening activity. Then I got all nervous, because we had to dance the Hoedown Throwdown. And that ended up being great. I only slightly screwed up once, but for the most part we were all in sync. It was a good time.
I have to get used to sitting on OD. I'm used to being able to go to bed when I'm finished, but now I have to wait another hour and a half. I was in bed by 11, which is pretty fantastic for the first night of camp!
Let's see how the rest of the day goes.
Lice checks...I am a little bit scared that I have lice, even though my head hasn't ever itched...irrational fear, I know. Still. I'll keep you posted on that.
Friday, June 26, 2009
That's How We Roll
More to come tomorrow, after the girl's arrive.
Yay for a bus to Long Island!!!!
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Toga Designs
While we're on the topic of skills, we slack lined tonight behind the office for half an hour or more. It was so much fun to get back on a slack line. My slack line is currently hanging in my room, waiting for warm weather and two opportune trees. Perhaps when we go to Echo Lake for our family vacation I can get the slack line out for some family slack lining.
I managed to whack the ball of my thumb on something--not my thumb, per se, just the fat part at the base of my thumb. I don't know on what, but it swelled to about twice the size and hurts like a mofo. So I made my way to the Health Center and got some ice for it and some Ibuprofin to take the swelling down a bit. Then I rode around with Drew in the golf cart for 45 minutes while he did errands and I iced my thumb. And now, the swelling is down a teeny bit but it still really hurts. My guess is that I bruised it severely. Oh joy.
Unpacking Day
I am on a bus on Saturday to pick up the girls--I go to Long Island, NY. I like that trip. I get to drive right on through New York and see everything. I also enjoy being on a bus in general. Dealing with the parents doesn't bother me. For the most part they are all nice people and I like that I get to be somewhere and have some experiences, rather than waiting back at camp with nothing to do but busy work.
Tomorrow we have half the day off, and I don't know what is going to happen but I am pretty sure buying some navy shorts is in order. This year my Bryn Mawr leadership Polo is a size small and wonder of wonder it actually fits!! I'm digging that.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
So You Think You're An Upper Junior
Jane and Dan took the whole camp to the movies on Monday night as we always do every summer--I saw the Proposal with Sandra Bullock and Ryan Renolds and quite enjoyed it--and then when we got back to camp at 9:30, all the GLs dressed up like pirates and kidnapped the counselors, bringing them to the fieldhouse. There we proceeded to tell them their bunk placements and who their co-counselors were. No tears this year!!!! I was way too tired to deal if there was, and I'm sure it would have resulted in tears myself. At this point it was about midnight and I couldn't wait to go to bed.
I have met with my counselors and I think all will be great. I am not super excited about any, nor am I super bummed. I think the middle road is a good sign for right now. I'll take it.
Today we are finishing up some last minute things and then tomorrow the unpacking begins. I loathe that day. I don't like packing, either, but unpacking comes first so I'm just going to hate it a little bit more right now. I hate feeling hot and tired and stressed and sweaty.
On a happy note, we have sunshine!!! With a bit of a breeze to keep things cool. And I have already gotten quite the sock tan line. I think this year's is going to be a thing of beauty. I'll have to take pictures.
Monday, June 22, 2009
List Time
2. Last night was the best Rick Kelly show ever--mostly because it was short. However, I did enjoy the beginning of Rick Kelly, before it started to pour on us and we all got completely soaked. Dancing in the rain is as fun as it sounds, until the music started to slow down and I felt like I had jumped into the lake with my clothes on without the fun of actually doing it.
3. I heart the Ice Cream Cottage.
4. The General Counselors are all opening up and beginning to show us their personalities. I think we've got a good group this year.
5. I love Drew, in a platonic, PD/GL way. This morning I was a bit late getting out of bed and so I didn't get to have my usual adirondack chair sit before Revielle so I went into Drew's office and we picked the music for tomorrow morning.
6. I finally finished my calendars for the bunks!
7. I just remembered I have to be in the Dining Hall to serve lunch for the cheerleaders. Peace!
Saturday, June 20, 2009
Getting To Know You
The weather? Not so good. Rain mostly. How am I going to get a good sock tan line if the sun never comes out???
I have been getting to know many people lately. Some PDs, some male staff, and of course all the new general counselors. It has been a good time. I like everyone here thus far, and I really enjoy getting to know people better.
Today at our tour, Bill told my group I am his favorite GL. Then he gave me 2 suckers. It made me smile.
Tonight is the GL fashion show--I chose to be dress all in Gold to showcase Spirit Week, and to wear my Chocolate Banana Night skirt. Gotta love that thing. Remember? The green skirt with the orangey-yellow-gold hibiscus flowers all over it? That thing rocks my socks.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Ice Cream Cottage
Today is our day off and we hit Trackside for b'fast this morning. Love the Trackside. Then we all came back to camp and hung out until lunch--Rachel and I cannot watch Twilight together. We ruin it for other people who actually want to take that movie seriously. Oh well. Lesson learned. Then everyone else went to play a rousing game of indoor soccer and I chose to take a nap. We had some extremely loud people last night and I was tired this morning when I woke up. My nap was delightful. Then I think we are heading to McDonalds--or Old McDonalds, as Kaelan calls it--and then the Cottage. Good times.
I have decided that there is no real purpose in going to Scranton on my days or nights off, unless I need something desperately. Otherwise I just spend money. So while I am sure there will be the occasional Scranton trip, I am cutting back.
My mom just became the new State Steward for the State of Montana. Congratulations, Mom! (It's a Postal Service thing, in case you were wondering what that means)
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
I had my meeting with Jane and Marjori about the girls in my bunks. I have 36 campers this year, a new record for me. Hoo boy. I think it will be a challenge to learn all their names and to get to know them all. I have definitely been spoiled in previous years, especially since I had the same girls for 2 years in a row. We are told to come out of our comfort zones during the summer and I am especially going to be doing that this particular summer.
We get late sleep tomorrow and then Thursday is our day off. After that is the day the general staff counselors arrive, and I will be the one to pick them up in Newark. I've never done that before, so that should be a good time.
And I have nodded off. Talk to you later.
Sunday, June 14, 2009
F*** Personal Growth
That being said, let me explain the reason behind the comment.
GLs received age group assignments and co's last night. I was fully expecting to get Upper Juniors, and no surprise there, I did. I haven't had these girls yet and I'm a tad bit nervous about how they are going to be...there are a few girls I remember from last year as being difficult. My co GL, however, was a surprise and only partially what prompted the title. It feels like every summer I have been here--with the exception of my first summer with Heather D.--that I have been paired with someone that I have zero in common with and someone I am flat-out apprehensive about working with. It isn't like we only see each in passing once or twice a day. We are pretty much non-stop together, so you can see how working with someone you have nothing in common with would be a challenge. And yet again, this person is someone I have little or nothing in common with and someone who approaches life and her position as a GL completely different than me. That can be a good thing or a bad thing. Last night wasn't the brightest for me, hence why Heather D. and I came up with the 'f*** personal growth' thing.
I slept on it and am feeling much more up to the challenge this morning. I met with Marjori and told her that I can do it and I'm not even really that worried about doing it. Is she the person I would have chosen? No. That being said, perhaps this summer will end up better than last summer--I got along fine with my co from last summer, but things didn't end up the way I would have liked with the girls in the end. They were all attached to me and made my life double as hard.
Taking a deep breath. And let the personal growth begin. (Sorry about taking your name in vain, personal growth.)
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Two-Year Old Hair and Blindfolds
I have a bed that is like one of those old jail house beds made completely out of metal. You know the kind I'm talking about, with the sketchy guy handcuffed to it? Yeah, I sleep on one of those. The problem being that one side of the springs is broken so I sag to one side every night. Not cool. I requested a board for underneath my bed, and Bill, bless his heart, made it happen today. I could not sleep yet another night on that thing. One side of my body went numb from trying not to change positions all night.
Life here is good. I am happy. I am not digging the humidity, as previously stated, but I can live with that.
Oh, one more thing. Today we did teambuilding in the Field house. We were split into 3 teams and had to do a challenge at each one--passing each other over a rope fence without touching it, swinging from a platform to a circle without touching the ground, and crossing a gap with 2 boards and nothing else. The catch? Two of us on each team were blindfolded and the rest of the team had to watch out for them. Yes, you guessed it. I was blindfolded. Things are not good when you can't see what the heck you're doing. I was passed around and led from spot to spot and swinging off that platform blind was kind of scary--but exhilarating at the same time. I think going off the zipline blindfolded would be sweet. In one respect.
My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.