So much has been going on the past couple days and I haven't even gotten a chance to write it all down! I also have pictures.
On Sunday night I hosted the Junior Camp Trash Bag Fashion show--which I renamed the Trashion show, and Drew liked, so I think it has officially been renamed. Anyway, it was fun. The girls had a good time. That one never gets old. They always make something new, and some of the outfits they come up with really look cute. My Bunk 14 made the best little formal dress ever.

Then Drew told me I would get to do morning announcements for Tuesday, because he was on a trip and it was going to be JCSD. So I was super-excited about that and I some time putting together a superhero script. Drew helped me pick music and then showed me how to do the morning announcements--there are a lot of steps involved.
On Monday the entire Upper Juniors went on a hike to the Promised Lands, which is a small area in the Delaware National Forest. We didn't leave PA, but it was about 40 minutes from camp. It was fun, not very long at all--not really a hike, more of a nature walk. But for these girls I guess it was a hike. They sure complained enough. Then after the hike we took them to a park on the lake and grilled for lunch. The problem with that was that the adventure and trek boys are used to grilling for 20, not 50...we started at 12 and I didn't get to eat until 2:30. And even then we ran out of most condiments and buns and all the potatoes. We wrapped veggies and either hamburgers or hotdogs in tinfoil packets and put them on the grill that way. It was very good, just extremely long. The girls did pretty well with the wait, considering they are used to being fed on time and they aren't used to waiting for other people whatsoever. Gil set up the slackline while we were there and we got to do that for a bit--of course the girls all wanted to try, so we spent most of our time walking them across. I didn't get back from that until snack time and then immediately had a bunk meeting, so I was pretty much tired afterwards.
On Monday night we broke JCSD. The theme this summer was Camp Superhero--which basically means that we were all superheroes and since the Super Villians were attacking Bryn Mawr, we had to train the Junior Campers to defend. The video that Matt put together for the break was amazing! I will have a way for you to watch that later. I was the Cannonballer, able to reach the speed of both light and sound if properly propelled from my cannon. It was a good break and it led to an even better Junior Camp Special Day. I did the announcements and that went really well. It was freaking hot that day, and the morning started out badly by Danielle and I having a disagreement over something stupid--basically, we were both in the wrong but she overreacted very badly and when I tried to make it right she didn't want to have anything to do with me. So I walked away and she found me at breakfast and apologized for taking out her bad day on me. Yikes. After that things went much smoother and we had an awesome final fight in the gym against the Super Villains.
Last night I happened to be on, so I got to accompany my girls to the movies. We watched G-Force, which for those of you who don't know is about a trio of Guinea Pigs who are trained to be FBI agents. Yeah. You heard me correctly. However, what made it even better was that it was in 3-D! Yes, we wore the glasses and had things leap out at us. My favorite part, actually? Going up into the projection booth with Bill and the owner of the theater while he showed us how the 3-D part was done. It was pretty trippy up there.
I was really tired after all of that, and then I had to sit OD until after 11. Consequently, this morning I am dragging.
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