List time!
1. Gold Rush happened, as you can see from the above photos. Last summer it got cancelled due to weather and I was completely ok with that. This summer, I enjoyed myself. I was in the final Shoot-Out, and although I only lasted until about 30 seconds in, Jacque and I had a great duel and killed each other. Then I got to just lie on the grass for another 5 minutes until the Shoot-Out was over. It was a good spot to watch from, provided I didn't get stepped on.
2. I am picking up Explorers on Friday in Philly! I am so excited! More on that when it happens.
3. Today is Hershey, which means I am on my day off. I had to wake up with the girls and make sure they made it on the bus, but after that I went straight back to bed at 8:30 and slept until almost 11, when I put my laundry in.
4. I talked to my family last night, including my two very favorite boys in the whole world and they completely made my day! Kameron talked and laughed into the phone and Kaelan told me all about his bike and said I needed to come home and see him ride it. It made me homesick for them.
5. JCSD is in full-throttle planning mode. I think it is going to be amazing this summer. I'm excited.
6. Visiting Day went by in a blur of sun and wayyyy too many cookies from the cookie tent. Ok, I only ate 5 this summer, but the fact that I ate pretty continuously up to that point makes it more serious. And yes, I once again got sunburned...see the picture of Drew and I if you really want to see the evidence. But all my girls were good and no one cried too hard and I didn't get ambushed by any parents.
7. Male Beauty was fun. No pictures this summer yet again--except of us GLs dressed like the guys. We decided that it would be fun to dress up like the male staff that was our Male Beauty. Mine was Drew--I wore a button to campaign for him with my girls, and we won!--and I just basically borrowed everything he had, including his socks, shoes, and watch. I also wore his crazy wig to make it a little bit more clear who I was supposed to be. I think I more looked like Ronald McDonald in the wig, but oh well.
8. In the land of my job, I have been handling more and more friendship issues. They haven't been too overwhelming for me--or maybe I'm actually getting better at this?? Perhaps. But I never used to know what to say to these kids, and now I feel as though it is getting so much easier and working better. Bob Ditter is amazing. It could also be that I have been here for 4 summers and have learned a thing or two along the way.
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