Friday, July 31, 2009
From 9 to 6
On an up note, today is my day off and when I went into lunch I was absolutely BOMBARDED with girls, both mine and Tina's, who were so excited to see me and had missed me all morning. We sat together and had a great lunch, laughing and joking. I really do love my girls this summer. I don't even want to think about leaving them all in 2 weeks.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
I Said LOOK!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009
MC, Hike, JCSD, Movie Night

Sunday, July 26, 2009
Tubing and Awesomeness
Last night on OD I had this surge of complete and utter happiness. I have been struggling with something all summer and last night I felt it snap back into place--of course I had to do some joyous airkicks! I probably looked pretty special on cabin row doing some utterly ungraceful hops up and down, but whatever. I was feeling it at the moment. And THEN Charlotte brought us cookies and Puchi gave us soda and then I saw a huge FROG in the middle of the road that made me smile.
And today was late sleep!!!! I am at the point of my summer where I am starting to get extremely tired. All I do on any time off now is sleep or sit around. There is no more fun trips planned at this point, just what can I do to ensure I'm in bed early on my time off...And once I do get home, I think I sleep and do nothing for at least a week. But I am not ready to think about coming home yet! Camp has flown by and I am having too much fun with my girls.
Last night I had so much fun walking around with them and laughing about anything and everything. We have really bonded this summer and I enjoy all of them.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
JCSD is fast approaching. I am excited for it and a little bit anxious as to how the day is going to go down. We are still working out some logistical things right now.
My lip is feeling better--still blistered and gross, but the swelling has gone down and it doesn't hurt as bad. I will be doing a happy dance when it eventually is gone completely! I think a dock jump is in order!
I played in the lake on the surfboards with 14 yesterday. We have an Explorer in our bunk and they were pulling out the stops to show her a good time. We had some fun times. I stood on my surfboard 3 times and then had to abandon further attempts because my girls like to try to dunk me too much.
Everything else is going well--I won't even say how many days left we have, because I will cry.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
More Pics and A List

Sunday, July 19, 2009
Picture Catch-Up!
Friday, July 17, 2009
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Books and Cubby Cleaning
We are cleaning for Visiting Day--which is on Saturday, can you believe it?? Not me. I'm feeling way too relaxed for it already to be Visiting Day. Anyway, I spent all morning in 15 helping with cubbies because they only had one counselor, only to walk into 14 and be blown away by the fact that even though they have 2 counselors, nothing was done. I have to do all the cubbies in the back still. 12 looks amazing, I won't even worry. But why do I always have one bunk every summer that stress me out about cleaning? Riddle me that...
I saw the new Harry Potter last night. I will give it a thumb to the side--which means neither up nor down. I liked it...I think. There were awkward parts, like with Ginny Weasely, and the ending sucked big time. That is all I will say. I need to reread the books when I get home. Brush up on my Potter and reestablish my liking for the series.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Looking back on yesterday, I think I learned--or relearned, I guess, which I think I am constantly doing in my life--that I need to ask for help and not be bothered that I can't do everything, that I need to focus on the girls who don't need something every second just as much as the high-maintenance ones, and that I really and truly love Bryn Mawr! Ok, the last one I didn't really need to relearn, but it is definitely in my thoughts.
I wish my entire family could come here and see just how special this place is. It is hard for those looking in to understand--you need to experience it, to meet everyone here. I was interviewed for the Poplar Post by one of my former campers from the past 2 summers the other day, and she asked if I was going to stay until I got my Angel. That will be next summer, summer number 5 for me. And I said of course I would, but after yesterday, I know there is no way I couldn't come back. My time at Bryn Mawr is far from over, and that also makes me happy.
Monday, July 13, 2009
A Meh Day
I felt very...tired today. Tired and not very mentally or physically present, which is tough because to be successful here you need to be both very much mentally and physically present. And yet, I feel that everyone here gets this way once in a while. The trick is not to have it happen more often than it doesn't. And I can say that this is the only time I have felt like this. I have had hard days, oh my yes, but wanting to cry and not have a conversation or having a tough time with my girls is not the same as just not really feeling it. And I was not really feeling it today. I took a nap and then felt almost sick, so that wasn't the answer.
I went to archery with some of my kids today and really enjoyed that activity. I was actually pretty good at it! I could hit a bull's-eye from 30 feet back and I was pretty consistant with hitting the target in the same spot. I even hit 3 arrows in one spot at one point. I felt very Robin Hood-esque.
Tonight is my night off, and I am making the most of it by watching a good movie and relaxing. Early bed is also on the agenda.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Plastic Bubble
Friday, July 10, 2009
I had a counselor that I really needed to talk to because I was positive she just didn't like me. And who wants to ask someone why they don't like you and then have to hear the answer? I was a nervous wreck yesterday morning. I couldn't put it off anymore, because Marjori told me it needed to happen and I agree with her. But I would rather go on Possessed 5 times in a row, than have that particular conversation. Finally I wrote down some points I wanted to hit and then Drew and I went over them together in his office. I cried and felt like a big wuss, but it was nice to get that out in the open and I feel very comfortable with Drew. Then the conversation happened and it was all a huge misunderstanding and went soooo well and now things are good! Or we are working to make them good and they are going to get there eventually but at least the weight has been lifted.
Then last night at evening activity I had to have more conversations--one with a kid who had her feelings hurt and then two more with the two bunks that caused those hurt feelings. That one was rough. I didn't even want to go in there after that. I was mad, disappointed, hurt, and upset. I think sometimes girls can be mean.
Tonight at long last is Transformers!!!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
Yellow Hats

Monday, July 06, 2009
Life At Camp

Two of my favorite people at camp, Drew (in the 4th gear) and Bill
Here is what's been going on since I last wrote.
1. 4th of July and an incredibly awesome fireworks display. AND, if that wasn't good enough, Shooter Jenning's 4th of July song was playing in the background! Drew makes the best playlists. Ok, so I kind of helped him with that one, but he was thinking the same thing I was.
2. I went to the Sunshine Spa yesterday during rest hour--in Bunk 16. I got a massage while they were giving me a mani. I will include a picture of my nails so you can appreciate them.
3. We go to Dorney Park tomorrow and I am a wee bit nervous. As of right this minute I am scheduled as Emergency, which means that if a counselor for some reason does not go on the trip in the morning I will take her place with her girls. If that doesn't happen, I will be a Yellow Hat and get to float around the park. My vote? The Yellow Hat. In a perfect world that will happen. In the other case, I'll be with a random group of girls that I don't know. Oh joy. Probably the Manor House who don't get to go on roller coasters.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
Friday, July 03, 2009
Today Is Somebody's Birthday
We did the extra special dock jump today and here are some pictures!
In the lake afterwards, Drew, Rachel, Heather D. and me! (clockwise)
Tonight is the cake!
And my brother called me and by complete and utter happiness because it is my birthday and the universe loves me, I happened to be in my room putting on my swim suit at the time so I got to talk to him! It was fabulous.
I am loving my summer family. That being said, I miss my actual family :(
Thursday, July 02, 2009
Birthday Dinner
Shu, me, and Erica
Erica, Danielle, Tanya, Meredith, Liz, and Andrea (from clockwise)
The entire table.
My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.