Saturday, June 21, 2008

Airkicks of Happiness

The General staff has arrived--after we waited literally all day for the bus to show up. I guess they got lost once and were stuck in traffic the rest of the time, so what should have been a 2 and a half hour jaunt turned into 5. We had to push back dinner and everything.
It was late sleep, so I slept in until 8:30, which is unheard of, and then went out to breakfast at the Trackside with Shu, Charlotte, Erica, and Dallas. Of course half the camp turned up at one point or another, so the Trackside was hopping, but we all sat at out own tables. Anyway, the Trackside is famous for serving massive proportions and I got an omelett, which meant that when lunch rolled around 2 hours later I wasn't hungry at all. I helped serve and then ate an apple because we had these amazing golden delicious apples instead of the usual small and red.
So by the time the General staff arrived, I was starving. After dinner, which was chicken parm, my favorite on camp--!!!!!--we went to main campus for some icebreakers. I loathe and despise icebreakers of any form or function. So I helped one of the counselors find some lost luggage and then finally had to play the darn games.
Leadership staff introduced themselves at the Apple-O and then we watched the camp video--kind of a tradition thing. I saw Heather in the video and it made me smile. And then Bill was getting ready to dismiss down to the campfire we were having and he said "If your name is Jessie, you may go first." I just sat there for perhaps half a second before I realized he meant me! So I hopped up and got to lead the entire camp down to the campfire. It was pretty fabulous. And then at the campfire, I got to be in the Wee skit with Ashlee and Adam and Matt Johnson and Jenny Magiet! It was pretty spectacular.
We didn't dismiss from there until 11, at which point I made the rounds with my room of counselors and told them what time reveille blows in the morning--and then crashed. And I wasn't too tired this morning. I have kicked into camp-mode where I'm a morning person and I don't need much sleep.
On the way over to the Bunker this morning with my computer, Drew stuck his head out his office window and asked if we could get some adirondack chairs in there so we can sit together. It was nice.
I think the weather might finally start becoming warm...I haven't gotten a tan at all because we've either been inside or I've been wearing pants. And sweatshirts at night.
And today I am going to be the Group Leader in the camp introductions we do for the General staff. I'm pretty excited about that.

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