Thursday, June 19, 2008


I have been having some amazing personal growth experiences these past couple days.
There is a PD in volleyball this year that I am not personally fond of. She is rather abrasive. However, I just avoid her as much as possible and be polite but distant the other times and nothing has come of the situation. Today she stood up in front of the entire group and apologized to everyone for her behavior and gave us all a bit of background as to why perhaps she is like that. Then she cried and I thought, you know, that took a lot of guts. Not only was she standing in front of 40 perfect strangers, she was humbling herself by admitting a short-coming. And it also made me realize that she is a good person. She wants us all to be friends, really, it just hasn't been coming across that way. It really made me think about my prejudices and my judgements and I really felt as thought I had learned something from her. Needless to say, my heart has been considerably softened in her direction. I doubt we will be hanging out often, but there you have it.
Another learning experience has been the fact that I have been hanging out with people who I wouldn't normally hang out with--at least I didn't in the past summers at Bryn Mawr. But we hang out every night and we are having a blast. No worries about the GLs not getting along this summer...
I am working on trying to not worry about how things are going to go with my co-GL this summer. I like her as a person, but she is not someone I would necessarily gravitate towards. Much too serious. However, I was talking to Drew tonight about that and we came up with some very positive things about the situation. So that is helpful.
I hung out with my Junior Camp GLs and Marjori and Britton, our co-Division Heads. It was our dinner and Ice Cream Cottage and Wal-Mart run. It was a good time. I really dig Britton. She and Drew are getting married in September and I'm pretty thrilled. Drew is one of my favorite people on camp and I think Britton is fast becoming one of them as well.
I hung out with Drew tonight for about half an hour in his office after we got back, and as a result got to hang out with Bill a bit too. It was some good times. We listened to Shooter Jennings and talked real life talk.
I am happy here.

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