Monday, June 23, 2008


We had our cabin placement tonight for the General staff. I was super-excited because I got the counselor I wanted--she is in gymnastics and has to be full time. The problem is that everyone in Senior camp wanted her, and since she had to be full time there was no way I would get her. So I went to Bill and told him that I really wanted her. I said I knew she wouldn't be around for rest hour, and he told me that he appreciated that I was willing to sacrifice that and that if she was with me, she would be great. I really appreciated that--I got the Bill Widman stamp of approval, which won me that counselor. She is in my Bunk 12, in Upper Juniors, which she told me she would like.
This is where the discombobulation comes in. We do our placements and are gathering with our staff and I look down and see the counselor I wanted in tears on the ground, saying she didn't want Upper Juniors.
My heart literally dropped to the ground. I wanted to cry. I fought for this girl--I got Bill to endorse me, I convinced everyone that she would do well in that bunk, in my Upper Juniors--and she was miserable about it? I was not cool with that. I felt so incredibly guilty. Of course I'm automatically thinking that here I was trying to do something great for my bunks and for my girls and all I did was manage to wreck a girl's summer.
But I sucked it up and went on with my welcome to Upper Juniors thing with the other 8 of my counselors--who by the way are all physched to be in Upper Juniors with me--and Marjori talked to her. Then I talked to her after that. Turns out, she is fine with the age group, fine with me--but didn't want to be full time in her program area. That made me feel so much better, because that has nothing to do with where we placed her.
I am feeling much better currently, but definitely exhausted and very discombobulated still. You know, it is the little things that throw you off your emotional track here during staff weeks. You're so exhausted physically and mentally that the emotion is of course dragging too. I need to go to bed.
Everything will look much brighter in the morning.

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