Thursday, January 21, 2010


Kamil has decided he wants to go offer his services as a prosthetist in Haiti. We received an email from the ABC--American Board of Certification in Prosthetics and Orthotics--that over 70 people are losing limbs a day down there right now. Yikes! They have an organization called Healing Hands For Haiti that you can either donate money to or join if you are a certified Prosthetist/Orthotist, PT, nurse, doctor, etc. I spent most of today filling out the volunteer information and writing a radio ad that asks for old braces, prosthetic legs, arms, etc that people are going to throw away. Kamil will take the componentry and customize new sockets for the victims in Haiti with the old parts.

Then he asked if I want to go with him.

Although I am completely all for anyone willing to donate their time, energy, and money to help those poor people, I do not think that I have the qualifications to do much of anything. A mastectomy fitter is not required right now. Kamil thinks I could be useful, as I have 'assisted' him in the past, but I have my doubts.

I think right now the best thing I can do is pray for them.

Anyway, Healing Hands For Haiti lost their clinic and are still trying to determine the safety of their staff. Their website is They are completely nonprofit and have been working in Haiti for 10 years. They send prosthetists/orthotists down on a weekly basis, along with PTs, nurses, doctors, and therapists to Port Au Prince. They need your help and donations more than ever!

1 comment:

mtduckgirl said...

Thank you for that information. Don't underestimate your ability to help out. You know more about prosthetics than most people do. You would be amazed at the good you could do. I hope you decide to go.... Sending my prayers along with yours for those in Haiti...

My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.