Thursday, April 29, 2010


I was unable to use the internet while on the ship, so I figured I'd talk about every day from what I put in as a journal entry.

And here is Day 1!

Flying to Houston on Saturday, April 17th. None of the flights were long, but we changed planes 3 freaking times, so that made for a really long day. We woke up at 5 and got to Houston at about 6. We checked into our hotel, had dinner, and went to bed really early.

Day 2

We had a very nice breakfast this morning and made it to the airport with no problems. Everyone else we met were taking the trans-Atlantic cruise for 2 weeks, and we were very definitely not. I felt kind of like a loser for a second or two--or at least like we were completely out of the loop. Apparently the new thing in cruising is to cruise to Europe and fly back home. Who knew?
Then they told us to wait in the wrong spot and when we finally made it to our shuttle, it was full. Which meant we ended up boarding another bus at least an hour later than we were supposed to. Oh well. I guess we did end up getting there.
After reaching the Cruise Terminal, they attempted to put my bags on the Royal Caribbean ship that was heading to Spain! I finally got them to take the tags off and we made it to the Carnival ship--with the 6 other people who were also not cool enough to cruise trans-Atlantically.
And talk about lines inside! It was way worse than any airport, ever. But I guess when you try to get 3000 people onboard a ship at once, there are bound to be lines. We made it without feeling too uncharitable about our fellow man.
Once we got on the ship, this is what we found....
A seal waited for us after our Steward made our room ready for the night. I really liked the towel animals.
A coast guard ship escorted us out into the Gulf of Mexico

Our room wasn't too small--but we didn't have a window, so no natural light would come in to wake us up.

We left Galveston at 5 and headed out into the Gulf of Mexico. We went to dinner at 6 and met our two waiters--Noel and Noel, who we referred to as Noel 1 and Noel 2 for the duration. Noel 2 was my personal favorite. They knew our names and remembered everything that we liked to eat and drink at dinner. Plus they danced for us and sang for us. We met our room steward. He made us a towel animal every night.

We really liked the people we sat by during dinner. We also made a decision to walk from deck 2 all the way up to 9 when we had to eat so that we would keep the pounds off.

More later!

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