Thursday, December 27, 2007

Delayed Time Table

My original goal was to have my book finished by the end of Christmas--or at least the new year. I am not sure if I ever would have reached that, but I might have been close. Until I slammed my pinkie finger in the wash machine, that is. It is the same one I broke so long ago on the trampoline and there has always been a bump and the fingernail has never grown back the same. Now it's swollen and very bruised, on both sides. Boy, does it hurt! Typing is pretty much a 9-finger thing now, which is so much slower than I'm used to that I'm getting frustrated. Today at work, Kamil built me a splint out of Velcro and some soft stuff to help protect it, which I fully appreciate. It makes it feel much better. I am also discovering that the letter 'a' is in a lot of words...and having to use the tab key and the shift key are a pain in the behind when you don't have a pinkie finger. And so, I doubt that my book will be finished when I thought. I am getting close, though! I have the ending pretty much mapped out, I just have to get there and coast through it! And hopefully my finger heals soon.

1 comment:

Melissa said...

Ouch! I hope you are back up to your usual typing prowess soon!

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