Monday, November 05, 2007


Still waiting to hear about my book. My fingers are so firmly crossed I'm finding it hard to do everyday tasks, but other than that I think I'm waiting patiently and with a minimum of stress. After all, my Dad pointed out that it is only one place and possibly one person, so if they don't like it, there are plenty of places to send it. Besides all that, it isn't even finished! I'm just really enjoying working on it.
Finally, people at church have started speaking to me and I now have a Sacrament buddy, which is always nice. There has been a bit of interest from some guy who recently returned from Sri Lanka on his mission and can't really speak English anymore, but considering he is at least 5 years younger than me, that is not happening. I'm up for being friends.
Today I rode with a friend of Kamil's to drop off Kamil's Jeep at Evolution 4x4(Kurt's shop) and completely got chatted up. His name is Roman, he's also Czech but living in Savannah, Georgia, and is only in town for a couple days. He had cool hair and is very interesting to talk to--but I really have to concentrate on what he's saying because I have a hard time understanding him. And he's lived in the States for 11 years! Anyway, he was all for a skiing expedition later or just hanging out, but I was vaguely non-committal. It was an interesting experience, I must say. He hung around the office all day and detained me at 5 when I was leaving, but finally I had to say, "Nice to meet you, Roman, but I'm freezing!"
Mom, Dad, and Brandt come on Wednesday for Kaelan's birthday and I'm so excited! So is the little guy. He keeps talking about it and chanting their names and saying how he's going to share his birthday cake and wrestle with Bubba on the big bed. He's cute.

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