Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tired of Chewing

I'm sitting at Evolution 4x4 writing this. I got off work early and decided I need to put in some serious work on my book--I am determined to finish it by Christmas. But I needed a change of scenery, so I came to the shop, and once I was here got the pleasant surprise that they have a wireless network. So here I am! Feeling much brighter about the day in particular. It really is the little things that make a difference.
This morning I was chewing my cereal--and chewing and chewing and chewing, pretty much spraining my jaw in the process. I got to thinking, how long have I been chewing? A long time. At least 24 years. And I realized I am tired of chewing. Maybe because I was tired this morning anyway, all that chewing just irritated me. I suppose I'll need to choose something that you can just swallow, like oatmeal or applesauce, next time.
So I finished making all the changes the lady who critiqued my book said to make. Now I just need to write that pesky synopsis and I'm putting it off because I'm feeling intimidated by it. Blast. I bet once I sit down and actually start it, I'll feel differently.
The atmosphere is different here. They've got 'guy' music playing, I can hear one of those air-wrenches, and if I glance up I get to watch a 4x4 video. And my butt is getting tired of sitting on the ground. Oh well. I think I'll get some good work done here.

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