Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Craziness Begins

I left yesterday morning at 8:30 on a huge bus for Paramus, NJ--and came back at 3:45 with that same bus full of little girls and with ringing ears.
Camp has officially begun.
The fact that I have a cold doesn't help matters, either. My voice was almost completely gone yesterday, at a time when I most needed it--talking with parents. Yikes. I was pleasantly surprised, though. I was only yelled at once, and only a couple talked down to me. All in all, that was pretty much a win in the parents of Bryn Mawr campers category.
Josh Budler was the bus leader in charge, but he was on the first bus, so I got to be the brick wall that the parents ran into at the second bus. No parent was allowed on the bus, and no kid was allowed off the bus once she was on. No one really contested that fact, for which I was glad. I did have tons of last minute switches from bus 1 to bus 2--all of which I directed Josh's way.
And then one girl was late. Yes, there always has to be one, right? She was only like 7 minutes late, but the first bus left and some angry dad tried to storm the bus and told me that we had to leave. He informed me that this wasn't fair for us to wait for one girl. Holy buckets. I told him, in a firm voice--or as firm as my hoarse croak could be--that we couldn't leave her and she would be there soon. He wasn't too happy with me. At least he didn't try to get on the bus, though.
My girls are great. They're all excited to have me back and I feel as though I have an unfair advantage in the fact that I know them and they know me--and my counselors and co do not yet. I am hoping I can prevent all 68 of them coming to me for everything--which has been happening all last night and this morning. I keep telling the rest that they have their own GL and that I'm just her co, but they were my girls. They are used to me. This might be a potential problem.
This morning I didn't get up until 7:30, which was a very nice change from the 5:45 in past summers. Because Upper Juniors sleep until 8 or 8:30 this summer!!!! I'm excited about that.
My cold is slowly getting better. I was ordered away from cabin row last night at 11:15 by Charlotte, who told me to go to sleep. I did and slept like a rock until this morning, when my alarm went off.
Let's see how the first day goes....gymnastics try-outs and lice checks, oh my.

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