Sunday, July 12, 2009

Plastic Bubble

So my trick knee has been giving me fits for the past couple days. Nothing too bad--just swelling at odd moments and some pain that makes me stop walking and make funny pain faces. I have been icing it like whoa and trying not to aggravate it too much. Last night, it hurt so bad and I couldn't figure out why, until we had a mother of a thunderstorm and I knew why: pressure! My knee gives me fits when it gets cold out or we have a huge change in pressure and last night was a doozy. People's ears were popping and getting sore, and my knee hurt. So Charlotte gave me something for the pain, something Canadian and something that I found out contains Codeine. And we all know what that does to a person...I was almost loopy sitting on OD last night and when I finally went to bed at 11 I pretty much passed out and don't remember waking up until this morning. At least it was late sleep. And the important thing was that my knee didn't hurt! Then this morning I rammed my knee on the breakfast table and that about sent me through the roof. I held my breathe and writhed in my seat for a few seconds. And THEN at lunch I hit my shin on the bench at our lunch table and now have a large raised bump on my shin bone. What does that signify? Drew and Heather both told me I need to be in a plastic bubble. Like I haven't heard that before.

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