Tuesday, June 05, 2007

I Have Arrived!

I had previously established that flying by myself makes me grumpy. I think it is due to the rush and hurry-hurry feeling airports inspire--and perhaps the fact that I can't seem to pack my carry-ons lightly AT ALL...and then the seats are inevitably uncomfortable and way too straight-up-and-down for the human spine.
Well, not this year! I arrived at both destinations with a completely unhurried, ungrumpy frame of mind. Yes, my carry-ons were beastly heavy and completely bloody hindering awkward, and yes, the seats were super uncomfortable and cramped. However, my first leg from Grt. Falls to Minneapolis went super-quick due to the very pleasant company of the lady sitting next to me. She was a grandmother-type, and we shared a bit of our lives on the way to Minneapolis and it was delightful.
Once at the airport I had about 2 hours to kill so I called Bryce and we chatted for a bit. And my plane to Rochester was full of mormons, all going to see the Sacred Grove, so that was kinda funny. They were all very excited, I'll tell you what. I wasn't even tired when we landed in Rochester! I could, however, feel the humidity the second I stepped off the plane onto the tarmac. Ick! It begins already...
Heather and I drove the 2 hours to her house with no problem and then went to bed and I think I slept the longest I have for quite a while, but that must mean I needed it. And here I am, and who knows what we'll get up to this week.
I just have to give Heather a shout out for buying her first chalk bag. I look forward to seeing your climbing skills this summer at the Bryn Mawr walls!

1 comment:

kori said...

Not happy- I wrote you a long blog and now its gone. You don't get another one....so just know that I miss ya and wish you a wonderful summer of humidity, constant rain, the use of your horrible rain boots, and many wonderful pictures of your hair. Love ya buddy.

My zany adventures anywhere and everywhere.