Monday, June 29, 2009


Last night was the first GL night for Upper Juniors--which just means that instead of the camp coming up with evening activity for my age group, I had to. Well, me and my co-GL. But it was my idea, so I'll take the heat for this one.

Two summers ago I did an impromptu walk-off with my girls on main campus and it was so much fun. Last night I thought I'd give it a try again, just more organized. Bill let us hold it in the Bill Widman Gym, because it looked like rain, and that is a prime spot that not many people get to use. I'll just chalk it up to the fact that Bill is awesome and he likes me. Anyway, we had costumes for the girls and we had two of the male staff do their own walk-off to show them how it was done. I was a little nervous we weren't going to fill the entire hour, but we could have gone longer. It was a lot of fun.

I did not get to go to bed until after 11 last night, but that was because we had Leadership and the girls always get riled up when the Bunk 1 girls come in. They are a little bit harder to settle down after that. No real criers, although I did have to take 4 girls to the health center for varying reasons. As a result, I woke up tired this morning.

It is my night off tonight!!! And the new Transformers movie is calling my name.

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