Thursday, July 26, 2007

2 Week Countdown

The summer has flown. We are definitely on the down portion of the roller coaster ride that is Lake Bryn Mawr 2007. I have mixed feelings about that. On the one hand, having my own personal time again will be amazing! I miss my family and Kaelan like crazy. I also miss getting enough sleep, although that hasn't been as much of an issue this summer. I think I'm turning--gasp--into a morning person. Who knew? On the other hand, I am going to miss this place so much. It is my summer home and everyone here feels like family. My girls this year are incredible, and the people I have met have made this summer even better than last summer. I wish all of you could come for a visit so I could show off Bryn Mawr!
The night of JCSD, all the junior GLs, minus Charlotte who had other plans, went out for dinner in Scranton to the Olive Garden. It was fun. We celebrated the end of JCSD, and a job well done. We also decided to be Grey's Anatomy for Carnival, which is coming up on Sunday. Scrubs will be easy to procure. Nothing will top last summer's Tweedle-dee and Tweedle-dum, but no one else can take Heather's place. That being said, I love my co this summer. Jenny Caine is amazing! No matter the reservations I may have had about her at the beginning, I think that we work so well together. I have gotten to know her and she's a fabulous person.
I was able to finally touch base with my girls last night, and just talk and joke with them. It was nice. I have been stuck in problem mode for so long, and busy with the special day, etc. It was really great to catch up and spend some time with them. I am looking forward to the next few weeks, just making every day fun. We have some tubing dates, and some gym dates, and of course, all the craziness that is the End of Camp.
I finished Harry Potter. Now I feel as though I can get my head back in camp life, instead of wondering and worrying about Harry!

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