Saturday, July 21, 2007


Last night was the first night since I've been here that I wanted to go home. Nice that it has come so late, considering last summer was full of those moments. We only have 3 full weeks of camp left, after all. The problem is that it is Explorers weekend, which means we have 60 extra little girls here and the camp is focused on putting on a good face so that these girls will want to come to camp next year and proceed with their 9-year camping blitzreig that will culminate in one big Bunk One year sometime in the year 2016 or thereabouts. This puts a bit of stress on everyone involved. I have an explorer living in my bunk this year, which is a first for me. Of course she's in 19, where problems abound. Last night was talent show, and since we had so many explorers, it turned into a 2 hour ordeal. And it was freezing last night. I don't know where that weather came from. I had to wear a sweatshirt, pants, socks, 2 shirts and 2 blankets to bed last night! My girls didn't get settled with the lights out until almost 11, which is an unheard of hour for junior campers. I had to give B19 some tough love in the matter, too. I told 3 girls they weren't going to cry, we were done, we'd talk about it in the morning. It actually had results, as mean and unsympathetic as the method sounds. I was just tired. And my cough and sore throat came back, resultant of sitting out in the wind for so long in nothing but shorts and a long-sleeve t-shirt. The wakeup this morning was fairly grim.
Other than that, I am doing fine. My girls seem better this morning. I know they were all just over-tired and over-excited. Happens to the best of us.

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