Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Tubing, JCSD, Golf Carts and More!

So much has happened in the past couple days, I almost don't know where to start!
Yesterday I went tubing with my girls. I know I vowed last summer never to do it again, due to the crazy boat-driving of Gary Brown, but I just had to. My theory is that the things you are most scared of doing are the things most worth it, really. On a side note, Gary Brown calls me Jessie James, which makes me laugh because Kaelan calls me that! Anyway, so Jenny Caine, my co, and I hopped in the race-car tube and Gary proceeded to pull us behind the boat. I almost came out of the tube and Gary had to stop. He yelled, "Are you all right, Jessie James?" I told him I almost fell out but just to go! He did. Oh man. My life flashed before my eyes again. It was incredibly fun, though! Gary told me he wished he had a picture of my face when that happened, and I told him my theory and when he asked if I was scared of tubing, I said I was scared of falling out. I guess it wouldn't be that bad, right? I would skip like a rock, but at least I'll be wearing a life jacket.
We had our JCSD today! It was a Nancy Drew mystery that they had to solve. We filmed the break, all of the junior GLs terrorizing Bryn Mawr. We were dressed in garbage bags with paper bags over our heads so that no one knew who was who. Strategic clues were available if you were paying attention...Charlotte's angel, my watch, Ashlee's shoe, etc. The break was incredible! The film turned out awesome and the girls were so excited. We had moved things around and hung signs up all over, trying to turn Bryn Mawr into a boy's camp. Then we had a skit at the end where Bill interrogated us and Penny confessed. It was so much fun.
Jenny Caine and I rode around in Drew's golf cart all day, picking stuff up and moving it and planting our scavenger hunt clues. I think the girls had a really good time.
I smell really bad right now. I need a shower.

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