Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hula Skirts and Cabin Inspections

Today is green and gold spirit day, and I am wearing the same skirt I wore for chocolate banana night. I think I have a little bit of a crush on it, to be perfectly honest. I don't want to give it back. It is green with goldey-orange hibiscus flowers all over it. Very Hawaiian, very hula-ey, and it very much matches my aloha shoes. It is all poofy and fun to wear, especially with sneakers!
I just finished doing all 5 cabin inspections. Jenny Caine, my co, gives tons of tours during the day because she was a former camper. That means I get to have all 5 bunks on pretty much a regular basis. I am beginning to loathe tours. Anyway, half way through my bunk inspections, I was paged to the office. It did not make my morning. And now I have to have a bunk meeting with 20, and I have to run it. I'm a little nervous, not gonna lie. I have a fear the girls are going to attack one girl in particular, and I won't be able to keep it an emotionally safe environment. Crap.
On a happy note, I found a personal nail buffer kit and my nails are extremely shiny!

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